King's Business - 1959-05

JIM SLEVCOVE ON: Church Recreation iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiinnuiim

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B esid es being an important church function, the Church Picnic pro­ vides the greatest “fun day” of all. It creates loyalty and oneness by caus­ ing the whole church to play together. Much organization, however, is nec­ essary for a successful picnic. A Promotion Committee . . . should see that it is well advertised and that transportation is provided. Announce a theme (Hawaiian, Cow­ boy, etc.) for decoration or for special dress, if desired. A Planning Committee . . . should make all reservations at the park, including tables, stoves, athletic facilities, equipment, and so forth. Prepare a program of events and plan activities that are fun. For teenagers, Blind Volleyball is exciting. It is the same as regular volleyball except that bed sheets are draped over the net to the floor so that a player cannot see his opponent. A father and son soft- ball game, a men partners horseshoe tournament, a mother and daughter volleyball game are all good. A craft table and croquet for the older folks are also good. It isn’t difficult to get someone to paint-up and to dress-up like a clown and to pass out balloons and candy to the kiddies. Tot super­ vision or baby sitting, and a first aid station are essential parts of the plan­ ning. Rented kiddie rides are always should register and provide name tags, award door prizes, and pass out pro­ grams. A Guessing Contest at the registration desk goes over well. Fig­ uring the number of beans in a five gallon jar, guessing the total weight of the church choir, the number of pages in a stack of books three feet high, and so forth are all fun and challenging. A Recreation Committee . . . sees that all athletic contests are offi­ ciated and conducts an hour session of games and contests. Simple props and equipment make for more fun and interest. Games and contests should not be restricted to kiddies only. The adults often actually have more fun participating than the small fry. Contests should be funny but not embarrassing, enjoyable but not too competitive and, for adults especially, popular at large picnics. A Welcome Committee . . .

active but not too strenuous. Trying “ too hard” in front of the crowd often causes injury and embarrassment. For a complete manual on picnic games, prizes and planning, write for the PICNIC MANUA L , $.50 to Organization Services, Inc., 10200 Grand River, Detroit 4, Mich. PERSONALIZEDWRITING COURSE One Lesson on "S T Y LE " Eleven Lessons of YO U R Selection Send for Brochure By Author of 4,025 Published Articles

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