King's Business - 1959-05

Accent on Youth!

C l a s s i f i e d Ctdoeïtisements

with Ken Poure the particular area in which we are working. Secondly, we must keep in mind the different emphasis of each part. For instance, the Sunday School should be a teacher to pupil relation, the worship service should be a God- and-disciple experience, and training union should be on the youth-to-youth idea, and so forth. The important thing is to think these areas through carefully. The sad report is that much of our church effort is wasted because we do not think and plan together for a total program that will bring eter­ nal results. So many churches are “ content” to TRY to keep their youth entertained and that is ALL. Many of the inter-church sings are no more than a few jived up choruses or some dead, dry hymns and corny jokes. This need not be. With a minimum of effort, an informal program can be arranged that will be effective. Let the youth go to work—you might be surprised what they can do with a little push. The Sunday School can be an hour of power or it can be the most wasted sixty minutes in the week. The Training Union can be a life molding, character-building pro­ gram, or it can be a “fizzled out” waste of time. The big difference be­ tween the God glorifying, Spirit- filled, soldier-building program and the wretched, miserable, poor, sloppy religious routine is found in a per­ sonal VISION of the total program and a lot of prayer, planning, promot­ ing, PUSHING. Someone will say, “Ken, don’t you think a weak and flimsy program is better for our teen­ agers than no programs at all?” Let me answer this type of thinking by quoting Jesus when He said, “ I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” Rev. Kenneth Poure is evangelist with the “ Accent on Youth Crusades," a new service to churches of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Receiving his training from BIOLA, Mr. Poure has been greatly used of the Lord in dealing with youth. The emphases of his weekly meetings are on evangelism, soul-winning, Bible study and memorization, and follow-up. Churches in­ terested in such specialized help are urged to call or write the school’s Extension Department for complete information and available dates for scheduling.

15 CEN TS PER W ORD — M IN IM UM $3.00

Bibles and Books Scofield Bible — Retoil and W holesale — All Editions — Fresh Stock — Gold Stamping — Thum b Index — Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 M ain Street, Ham burg, New York. SERMON Q U A R TER LY , W orlds great sermons, Outlines, Exposition. W ard Chandler editor. 128 pages. $5.00 yearly, SAM PLE $1.00 Box 633 Dept. K ., D allas, Texas. REA CH TEEN A GERS! Tract written for teenogers presents clear Gospel message to all ages. Fifty — 50c; one hundred — $1.00 (includes tax & postage; no C.O .D.'s). Golden Net Gospel Tracts, Box 334, La Puente, C alif. Bible Rebinding Old Bibles rebound. A price, binding and style to m eet every need. A ll types of binding, rebinding. W rite for illustrated folder, prices. Norris Book­ binding Co., Greenwood, Mississippi. Music M usic composed, edited, arranged, printed your hymn-poems. Folders Free. Raymond Iden (KB), Mount Vernon, Ohio. Wanted TEACH ERS! For continent-wide openings (month­ ly) in Christian elem entory and secondary schools, write National Association of Christian Schools, 10201 South State Street, Chicago 28. Correspondence School You, too can acquire a working knowledge of the Bible in your home through courses by Bible Institute professors. Send tor description of courses offered. Correspondence School, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., 558-K S. Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. Miscellaneous $40.00 DISCO UN T off any new portable type­ writer; 3 0 % discount off any new duplicators, addressers, adding m achines; tape recorders. Trial offer 24 mimeo stencils $1.00. Gillies, Box 155, Howthorne, Colif. YO U R OWN FA VO R ITE SCR IPTU RE VERSE on beautiful 8" x 10" ceram ic placque, black & gold hand-lettering; $7.50 includes tax and post­ age; no C.O .D.'s. Specify King Jam es book, chap­ ter, verse. Allow 4 weeks. ELG Ceram ics, Box 334, La Puente, C alif. Position Wanted Evangelical pastor, sem inary graduate (middle age), desires change of Independent pastorate in Southern California or Arizona; excellent refer­ ences; présent church membership, 500. W rite Box 152, Kings Business. In Glendale BIOLA BOOKROOM "The Complete Christian Supply Center” 121 W. Wilson - Glendale, Calif. Books Wanted Religious libraries purchased. Baker Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, M ichigan.

Ken Poure

K n o w ye n o t that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked . . .” ? We must remember that these scalding words of rebuke came from the lips of the Lord Jesus himself to a church that had become lukewarm. This “ contented” church of Laodicea was great in many ways but not in spir­ itual power. Her tragic decay and decline are found in the thought “I have need of nothing.” Many Bible t ea che r s ag r ee that this “puny” church is a type and picture of the church in the last days before the coming of Christ. This “ lukewarm” condition is all too common today and seems to be steadily rising. We would do well to examine ourselves and our church programs in the light of this blinding truth. There are many pressures and responsibilities which press in on the local church today, but we must always keep be­ fore us the main purpose of our exist­ ence as a body of believers. As we look at the early church, we find it was not a “ spiritual hospital” nor was it social society with a reli­ gious “flavor,” but instead it was a “ labor room” filled with “ groanings which cannot be uttered.” It was a “barrack” where Christian soldiers were trained for spiritual warfare and their “flabby” wills were conditioned to endure hardness as good soldiers must. One of the many responsibilities the church of Jesus Christ is charged with is that of teaching and training tomorrow’s spiritual leaders. Know­ ing this, that they will be tomorrow what we are today, this fact should bring us to our knees and cause us to call out to Him who is able to supply ALL our needs. First, let every youth leader and teacher take a long over-all look at his church’s youth program, Sunday School, worship serv i ce , training union, mid-week playnight, summer and winter camps. These are all very important and necessary to a well- balanced youth program. So many times we never see any further than

NEW FREE Extension Dept., BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INC., Los Angeles 17, Californio THE KING'S BUSINESS Pow erhonse In form ation START A CLUB IN YOUR CHURCH


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