King's Business - 1959-05

Dr. Bob Pierce, president of World Vision, Inc., will be principal speaker during the special Osaka Crusade sponsored by the organization in Ja­ pan, May 12 to June 1. More than 400 churches will be participating in the event. Others in the team include: Dr. F. Carlton Booth, Mr. Ralph Carmich­ ael, Mr. Jack Conner, and the Rev. Ells­ worth Culver.

Dr. Elwin J. Potts, executive assistant of the National Sunday School Asso­ ciation, has directed work for the 1959 National Family Week, May 3-10. Dr. A. F. Harper, church schools lead­ er of the Church of the Nazarene, is directing the launching of a five-stage program seeking to enroll 300,000 new people in Sunday school during 1959. If successful, this will send the denomination over the one million mark. * * * * * Miss Tressie V. Myers, general secre­ tary for the Nurses Christian Fellow­ ship (a division of Inter-Varsity Chris­ tian Fellowship) has announced plans for the first summer conference of its kind for girls interested in nursing as a career. The program is scheduled for June 15 to 20 at Cedar Lake, Indi­ ana. * * * * * Mr. W, J. Schnell, author of the book, “Thirty Years a Watchtower Slave,” has prepared a new publication aimed at effectively handling the members of the Jehovah’s Witness cult who call on homes. The volume, “Another Gos­ pel,” is designed to help those who are sought out by the Russellites. (Re­ ports indicate more than 400,000 are contacted weekly by the sect.)

Mr. James O. Bu swe l l . III, of the Wheaton College faculty, will be one of the special instructors for the third annual Summer Institute of Missions, June 9 to July 17, to be held at Whea­ ton College, Illinois. Conducted in cooperation with the Interdenomina­ tional Foreign Missions Association and the Evangelical Foreign Missions Association, the school is open to mis­ sionaries on furlough and missionary candidates. Others on the special fac­ ulty include, Dr. Wilbert Norton, Mr. Walter Dunnett, Mr. Dayton Roberts, Mr. Hubert Reynhout, Dr. Eugene Harrison, Miss Arlene Peters, and Mr. Robert Shuy. * * * * * Miss Nancy Hillis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. (Dick) Hillis, has been

commended by the Na t i o na l Merit S c h o l a r ­ ship Corporation fo r her “ o u t ­ s t and i ng per­ f o rma n c e on a nationwide test of educational devel opment. ” Nancy’ s sister Margaret, also a scholarship win­

Mr. Edward J. Curran has had his testimony, “ Freedom Behind Prison Bars,” published by the American Tract Society. The new material tells how Mr. Curran spent his youth drinking, robbing, and cheating. Now the ambitious Christian spends much of his time on the other side of prison bars, ministering to inmates. * * * * * Mr. C. Stacey Woods, general secre­ tary of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students, has an­ nounced the appearance of “ CERTE­ ZA,” a new quarterly magazine in Spanish, beamed at reaching univer­ sity students and professional men. * * * * * Dr. Ted W. Engstrom, president of Youth for Christ International, and Dr. Robert A. Cook, vice-president of Scripture Press, will represent their respective organizations co-sponsoring a Pastor’s Conference June 29-July 4 at Winona Lake. Dr. Clyde M. Narra- more, noted Christian psychologist and columnist for this publication, will address the pastors each day. * * * * * Mr. P. J. and Mr. B. D. Zondervan, of Zondervan Publishing House, have reported an unusual interest in the new Berkeley Version of the Bible. First run was 11,000, released mid- April. Second run of 16,000 has al­ ready been ordered. Dr. Gerrit Verkuyl has been editor-in-chief of the project, assisted by 19 other translators.

M r. R o b e r t L. Brackett has been a pp o i n t e d office m a n a g e r f o r Christian Family Pub l i c a t i o n s , a s u b s i d i a r y of Scripture Press. The firm publish­ es “My Chum” for c h i l d r e n a n d “Christian P a r ­ ent” for adults.


ner, has returned to Formosa with her parents, missionaries with Orient Cru­ sades. Both were students at Culter Academy. * * * * * Rev. James O. Palmer, executive sec­ retary of the American Scripture Gift Mission has announced a formal agreement with the Scripture Gift Mission of London, England, whereby there may be an intensification in world-wide distribution of the Scrip­ tures. ★ * Mr. C h e s t e r L.


Dr. Arnold T. Olson, president of the Evangelical Free Church of America, announced that the organization passed the 60 per cent mark on its way toward a 75th anniversary finan­ cial goal of two and a half million dollars. * * * * * Dr. Billy Graham will conduct a spe­ cial crusade on the campus of his alma mater, Wheaton College, September 27 to October 4 of this year. He and his team will also originate two broad­ casts of the “Hour of Decision” from the school. The week of evangelism is one of the many h i g h l i g h t s of Wheaton’s 100th anniversary celebra­ tion, which will include a dedication festival, “The Abundant Century,” planned for May 27 and 28.

Wentz has been named assistant advertising man­ ager of Scripture Press. A graduate of Michigan State University, Wentz served with the A rmy f o r three years in Germany, as a Russian trans­ lator.




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