NY Welcome Packet 2020


• Parent Orientation: In the coming weeks we will be releasing our Parent Orientation Plan and Virtual Tour. All meetings for parents will be prerecorded and released before your student enrolls. Parent connect points via Zoom with the Word of Life Bible Institute Administrative Team will be September 17 at 7:00 PM and September 24 at 7:00 PM to answer any questions you may have. • The Bridge Sign-Up: We send out regular updates for parents with an email communication called “The Bridge – From Our Campus to Your Home”. We encourage you to sign up for these regular updates, as they will contain important information for both you and your student. To sign up, please visit wol.is/bridgeoptin . • Live-Stream of Meetings: All opening weekend meetings will be livestreamed. We will communicate the link in future installments of The Bridge. • On all Registration Days, face coverings must be worn. Only one family unit will be allowed to unload at a time per room. Face coverings must always be worn while indoors. Each dorm has been thoroughly cleaned before opening for your health and safety. • Move-in weekend should consist of unloading, assisting, and departure for parents concerning their student. Parents are encouraged to return home after registration, unloading and assisting their student. Reentry to dorms and meeting spaces will not be permitted after the registration hours. • Only students will be allowed into the opening meetings and dining facilities in order to protect all students and parents. We want to mitigate potential exposure to large groups of people.


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