June 2024

M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal — Pennsylvania — June 2024 — 11B


P ennsylvania

P Bill Jones of Mericle Commercial Real Estate Services coordinates 198,400 s/f lease Olympia Chimney hosts ribbon cutting ceremony in Centerpoint Commerce & Trade Park East

ITTSTON TOWN- SHIP, PA — Olym- pia Chimney Supply Holdings, LLC, and its sub- sidiaries, Copperfield Chim- ney and Olympia Chimney & Venting, (Olympia) hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony on June 5th at its new manu- facturing facility in Center- Point Commerce & Trade Park East. Olympia leases the 198,400 s/f building at 400 CenterPoint Blvd. from Mericle Commer- cial Real Estate Services . The company makes and distributes chimney, hearth, and venting products. The event offered food, music, and facility tours that were attended by employees, distinguished guests, com- munity leaders, and mem- bers of the media. Also in attendance were Olympia’s founder Will Kozlansky and its CEO Bryan Yourdon. Olympia Chimney & Vent- ing was founded in 1999 and is the leading manufacturer of chimney venting systems, liners, and accessories. Mericle vice president Bill Jones coordinated the real estate transaction. “We are honored to have had the opportunity to work with ev- eryone on the Olympia/Cop- perfield team to find a home to help maintain and grow its strong manufacturing and distribution business right here in NEPA,” said Jones. A company media alert said the building is conve- niently located in Center- Point Commerce & Trade Park East and is quickly accessible to I-81 and I-476. The alert added that this new location brings Olympia’s distribution and manufactur- ing operations under one roof to prioritize efficiency and reliability, delivering quality products and services to its customers, and coupled with its other distribution center in Reno, NV, ensures swift order fulfillment across the entire country. Olympia employs 160 em- ployees across 14 states, with the majority based in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Mericle Commercial Real Estate Services is a privately- owned, full-service, commer- cial real estate development and brokerage company head- quartered in Plains Township, Pennsylvania, near Wilkes- Barre. MAREJ

Olympia Chimney Supply Holdings, LLC, and its subsidiaries, Copperfield Chimney and Olympia Chimney & Venting, hosted a ribbon- cutting ceremony.


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