June 2024

Inside Cover C — June 2024 — 30 Under 30 — M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal


30 U nder 30

Nicholas Favorito, Dante Fusaro, and Ben Susskind Spotlight on Hudson Atlantic's Trailblazing Young Professionals

Dante Fusaro Sales Associate Years with company/firm: 2 Years in field: 2 Years in real estate industry: 2

Ben Susskind Multifamily Sales Associate Years with company/firm: 1.5 Years in field: 1.5 Years in real estate industry: 1.5

Nicholas Favorito Senior Associate Years with company/firm: 3 Years in field: 3 Years in real estate industry: 3

Real estate organizations/affiliations: UJA REX, Development and Land Use Real Estate Certificate from NYU Schack

What is your most notable project, deal or transaction? My most notable deal closed was a 26 unit, newer construction deal located in Madison, NJ called Tudor House. The deal closed in December of 2022 at an impressive $14.7m, which was a record breaking $565,000/unit. We were able to sign up and close this deal within three months, despite a tough market, and aggressive asking price. The utilization of 1031 money enabled us to exceed expectations on price, and offer tremendous value to our clients on both ends of the deal. What challenges and or obstacles do you feel you needed to overcome to become as successful as you are today? Overcoming initial skepticism from clients and colleagues as a young professional demanded a high level of confidence and demonstrating consistent results. Balancing these demands while maintaining a strong work ethic was crucial in overcoming these obstacles and achieving success. When I first started on my journey as a Multifamily RE Associate, the

What is the funniest, most unique situation you have faced/conquered during your career? Or in your life? One of the funniest and most unique situations I faced in my young career involved trying to get in front of a client who was a doctor with an incredibly hectic schedule. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t secure a meeting with him. Determined to make a connection, I came up with a creative solution: I made an eye appointment at his clinic, so he had to see me. During the appointment, I introduced myself and my company while he was examining my eyes. He got a kick out of my ingenuity and determination. We ended up having a productive conversation, and it turned into a successful business relationship. This experience taught me the value of thinking outside the box and being persistent in finding ways to connect with clients. What outside activities do you enjoy during your free time? During my free time, I enjoy a variety of outdoor

Tell us how and when you began your career in the profession you are in, about your current position and why you choose the field/profes - sion you are in today? My career journey took a significant turn after finding considerable success in my previous profession. Despite the achievements, I felt a calling to pursue my lifelong interest in real estate. With a solid foundation of suc - cess behind me, I made the bold decision to pivot into this new field. Opting for a high-risk, high-reward role in one of the most challenging markets was undoubt - edly daunting. However, driven by my confidence and a desire for personal and professional growth, I took the leap. Now, approximately 1.5 years into this new chapter, I couldn’t be happier with my decision. It’s been a demanding yet incredibly fulfilling journey, reaffirming my passion for real estate and my ability to thrive amidst uncertainty.

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