June 2024

2C — June 2024 — 30 Under 30 — M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal


30 U nder 30 Q&A with ARCTRUST Vice President of Acquisitions James Mabli balances MBA and real estate acquisitions to achieve $200M success

hat is your great- est professional accomplishment? Realizing that I did not want to completely step away from the commercial real estate market in pursuit of higher education, I was able to bring in over $200 Million in acqui- sitions over two years while completing my MBA at the Yale School of Management. While this took a lot of hard work and sacrifice over that time period, I think that it has put my career on a much higher trajectory as a result. Who or what has been the W

acquisition criteria that have kept ARCTRUST successful for decades. What unique qualities and or personality do you feel makes you most suc- cessful in your profession? During my time in the in- dustry, I have become a bit of a “deal junkie”, and I get a genuine rush of excitement when reviewing an excellent deal. Every new opportunity that comes in has a new story, a new local market to under- stand, or a new tenant to re- search and underwrite. What challenges and or

obstacles do you feel you needed to overcome to be- come as successful as you are today? Possibly the most important part of my career develop- ment to this point has been understanding that to best make a deal happen, we need to understand the needs of the party that we are negotiating with. Price is usually an im- portant factor in a deal, but not always the only factor, and I have become more successful by embracing creativity with structure and terms. What outside activities do you enjoy during your free time? When I’m not working on bringing in new deals, I play guitar and sing with a few different local bands. I play 60’s/70’s classic rock, modern alternative rock, and every- thing in between. What inspiring word of advice would you give to a young executive graduat- ing from college? While it may seem like a cliché, networking is really as important as everyone says. Building strong, lasting re- lationships and making last- ing impressions on others in and out of your industry will likely bring you lots of suc- cess in the future. Over time, opportunities of all sorts will come in from all corners of your network, sometimes from the places you would least expect. MAREJ

James Mabli Vice President, Acquisitions Years with company/firm: 6 Years in field: 6 Years in real estate industry: 6

Real estate organizations/affiliations: ICSC, Yale AREA (Alumni Real Estate Association)

experience in the commercial real estate industry. Since starting as an analyst in 2018, I have been able to get an excellent understanding of the underwriting process and

strongest influence in your career? I am lucky to be surrounded by a top-notch management team at ARCTRUST, with hundreds of years of collective

Our partners choose the ARCTRUST MORE Program for their joint venture projects because we provide MORE than the typical equity partner. M MONEY Our Equity and Debt Platform funds capital, but projects need MORE than just money. O OPPORTUNITIES We create new opportunities through our relationships with developers, brokers, tenants and sellers. R RESOURCES In-house legal, accounting, engineering, and management ensures projects get completed on time and budget. E EXPERIENCE With over 38 years experience in all areas of real estate, we understand what it takes to succeed in development.

30 Under 30

a section of the MARE Journal

Phone: 781-740-2900 www.marej.com

S ection P ublishers Linda Christman lchristman@marejournal.com

Lea Christman lea@marejournal.com

S ection E ditor Karen Vachon editor@marejournal.com

For more information, please contact our Acquisitions Team at deals@arctrust.com, 973.249.1000

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