June 2024

4C — June 2024 — 30 Under 30 — M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal


30 U nder 30 Construction Manager and Partner at Community Builders Macedonia to the American Dream: Niko Spasov Constructs a Lasting Legacy

hat is your great- est professional accomplishment? My greatest professional accomplishment is my recent career move to Community Builders as a construction manager and partner. Over the years I have focused on continuous improvement in various aspects of my career and personal life which ulti- mately led to this opportunity. It’s a testament to my com- mitment to every team that I’ve worked with and how I’ve given back to the teammates and community. W

your company and/or the industry? As a construction manager with Community Builders, I am leading projects and teams to achieve the project’s goals and deliver the same on time, within budget, with no safety issues and with the highest quality product that meets and exceeds the client’s expecta- tion. Above what I do in my role, I strive to give back to the community by volunteer- ing my time and skills to vari- ous nonprofit organizations around Morris County. Who or what has been

the strongest influence in your career? Conor Evans, managing partner and founder of Com- munity Builders, has been an integral part of my career development throughout the years that we have worked together. I’ve had the pleasure to work with him on projects in various sectors of the industry and have been a part of teams that he has built and led to success. His vision, values and his empowerment of me to lead in my own right has had the most influence on my career. What impact has social media/networking had on your career? Social media and network- ing have had a tremendous impact on my career. From connecting with in- dustry leaders on professional sites like LinkedIn to attend- ing events and meeting mem- bers of the industry, it has opened many doors. Commu- nication is key in any indus- try and having the available platforms to stay connected is valuable to anyone. Tell us how and when you began your career in the profession you are in, about your current posi- tion and why you choose the field/profession you are in today? When I moved to the United States from Macedonia, both my father and my uncle were working in the construction industry. From the age of 13 I was interested in learning any trade I could. I explored my options and took an opportu- nity in New York as a laborer during the summer of 2014 and quickly learned the con- crete and steel industry. I was intrigued by the people that were leading the projects I was on, from their communication, to planning and execution of the work. Having started studying for my Construction Engineering degree at NJIT, I knew that the field experience was as valuable as my college education. I continued work- ing during the days and took night classes to get my degree. Driving to New York daily, I always passed the American Dream project with seven tower cranes erected and was amazed by the size of the job, one day I stopped by, found the management trailer and asked if they offer internships. Janu- ary 15th, 2018, I reported to continued on page 14C

What is your most notable project, deal or transaction? My most notable project is the American Dream at the Meadowlands. I was part of the team building the Dream- Niko Spasov Construction Manager and Partner Years with company/firm: 1 Years in field: 8

Works Water Park, which is the largest indoor water park in North America holding the world’s largest indoor wave pool amongst other notable features. How do you contribute to

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