June 2024

M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal — 30 Under 30 — June 2024 — 5C


30 U nder 30

Vice President and Director of Matthews Real Estate Investment Services From Accounting to Acclaim: David Ferber’s Real Estate Rise Before 30


have been invaluable. Next up, Kyle Matthews, CEO of Mat- thews, has brought me back to crushing the fundamentals of the brokerage business. In my opinion, no other broker in the industry has mastered the fundamentals and the art of the brokerage business as he has. The lessons, ideas, and fundamentals he taught me have been a defining piece of my business. Last but not least, Cory Rosenthal Market Leader & Director of Multifamily & DeWitt Goss, associate market leaders, has been coaching and working with me weekly since joining the company. They are

both another perfect example of mastering the fundamentals and brokering correctly. Tell us how and when you began your career in the profession you are in, about your current posi- tion and why you choose the field/profession you are in today? My career started off as a CPA at Ernst & Young in the real estate tax department. After working there for 2.5 years, I got a peek into the real estate transaction world and how exciting that side of the business could be. Knowing my continued on page 16C

hat is your great- est professional accomplishment?

David Ferber, CPA Vice President and Director Years with company/firm: 2 Years in field: 9 Years in real estate industry: 6 Real estate organizations / affiliations: New Jersey Real Estate Commission, New York Real Estate Commission

Starting off my career in brokerage, I joined a team with two mentors who taught me the fundamentals of the business. After two years, they switched to an institutional firm with no notice, and I was left at the firm with no support, data, and two years of work gone. My wife and I decided instead of the easy solution to join another team, I would give it a shot on my own. It turned out to be the big- gest opportunity and blessing in disguise, which at the time felt like it could have been the biggest mistake of my career. Two years later, after making a company switch to Matthews , I was the top agent for the first five months of 2024 and hit a quarter of a billion dollars of real estate sold. What is your most notable project, deal or transaction? The sale of 6305 Boulevard East presented several chal- lenges, primarily due to the complexity of the transaction and the strict timeline involved. The long-term owner, having held the property for over 25 years, sought to maximize the sale while ensuring a seamless transition. During the market- ing phase, 17 offers were gener- ated, with one standout buyer proposing a 1031 exchange that involved selling two of his prop- erties as a package. The criti- cal challenge was to close the deal without any delays. This required putting together a marketing package, generating offers, and signing a contract with a 60-day closing period and no contingencies within just three weeks. Link to the case study: https://tinyurl.com/6305-Blvd LinkedIn Post of Deal: https://tinyurl.com/6305- Boulevard-east Who or what has been the strongest influence in your career? I am grateful and lucky to have many incredible mentors in the industry and influences over the years who have made a major difference. Early on, a top 5 agent at the company, Adam Abushagur, agreed to coach me for a few months in 30-minute sessions, teaching me some of the fundamentals of his business. The biggest takeaway is creating a per- fect “money-making” calendar and time blocking the right way. I still use that calendar

for the most part to this day. My next mentor was my real estate business coach, who I have had weekly sessions with for the last 2.5 years. Tabatha Adams, one of the top coaches

of the Mike Ferry organiza- tion, has been one of the key reasons for my success, and I have never missed a single ses- sion. The lessons, advice, and principles she has taught me


$250M Total volume sold 1,200+ units sold 95% list to close ratio 45% Volume Market Share

*Multifamily total deal volume between $1-$50M*

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