June 2024

8C — June 2024 — 30 Under 30 — M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal


30 U nder 30

Navigating Challenges and Building Relationships in Commercial Real Estate Rising to Success with Nicholas Bio, Associate at Blau & Berg

ow do you contrib- ute to your company and/or the industry? I positively contribute to my organization by being a team player and a resource that is there for all. Whether I am asked to do valuation analyt- ics surrounding one of our ex- ecutive teams listings, or help move boxes from the lobby for our office administration, if I am able I am willing. I believe that within any internal task that needs completing, there is always an opportunity to learn and sharpen a skill set or further develop a mutually H

The strongest influence in my career so far has been the different mentors Ive worked with throughout my time in the mentorship program at Blau and Berg. By working alongside industry veterans like Jason Crimmins and Alex Conte I was able to learn firsthand the skills and attributes that make a successful broker as well as gain experience within the deal making process that would not have come until much later in my career. I believe the imple- mentation of this program al- lows for young professionals like me to develop at a much

quicker pace because I always have a resource I can turn to that is proven in the business. Tell us how and when you began your career in the profession you are in, about your current position and why you choose the field/ profession you are in today? I began my career as a real es- tate broker just six months af- ter graduating from Penn State University. Initially, I started my undergraduate program studying finance with goals to do wealth management at a global firm upon graduating, yet my plans quickly changed after diving deeper into the different asset classes. I im- mediately gravitated towards real estate, as I felt my under- standing of how to analyze, value, and converse around real estate was much more flu - ent than any other asset class. After graduating with a certifi - cate in real estate analysis and development and starting my job search, I quickly realized that beginning my career with a desk job at a massive firm wasn’t for me. What excited me was the thought of working for a company and a team that had a strong sense of family, allowing me to learn firsthand from industry veterans and executives while subsequently being on the road, in front of all different types of players within the real estate industry. Luck- ily this is the exact opportunity that being a broker at Blau and Berg has given me. What unique qualities and or personality do you feel makes you most successful in your profession? I believe the combination of my behavioral and tech- nical skillsets are what al- lows me to be successful in my profession. Within bro- kerage it is essential to all deals that you can not only conceptualize the financials of a property but manage the different relationships within a transaction by ef- fectively communicating. I believe almost all my life experiences growing up have developed essential qualities which will allow me to be suc- cessful in this business. By consistently conversing with business professionals from the age of 13 as a golf caddy, playing on sports teams all four seasons of the year up until college, and always gravitating towards math continued on page 16C

Nicholas Bio Associate Years with company/firm: 2 Years in field: 2 Years in real estate industry: 2

beneficial relationship. Being early on in my career, the main contribution I make to the in- dustry is supplying everyone I conduct business for with the same diligence. Whether it’s the sale of a 100,000 s/f warehouse

or a year and a half sublease, all my clients should feel as if they are being taken care of to the highest standard. Who or what has been the strongest influence in your career?


Local expertise. Global reach.

830 Morris Turnpike, Suite 201, Short Hills, NJ 07078 973.379.6644 www.blauberg.com Since 1932, The Blau & Berg Company has held a leading position in the New Jersey and Tri-State commercial real estate market. As an independent, full service commercial brokerage firm, we provide an array of services in the industrial, retail, multifamily and office fields. . . . . .

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