June 2024

10C — June 2024 — 30 Under 30 — M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal


30 U nder 30 Exploring the Journey of an Emerging Leader in Multifamily Real Estate An Interview with Anthony Pino, Associate at Northmarq's Mid-Atlantic Multifamily Team

hat is your most no- table project, deal or transaction? The most notable transac- tion of my career so far was a recent closing of a 277-pad mobile home park portfolio in Allentown, PA for $20.5M. The two communities were owned by the same family for over 70 years and after the original owner passed away, we were entrusted to sell the commu- nity on behalf of the family. How do you contribute to your company and/or the industry? I am part of a larger Mid- W

housing publication. What impact has social media/networking had on your career? Social media and network- ing have had a big impact on my career. The first listing I ever was awarded came from a Facebook group that I joined while trying to learn more about the manufactured housing industry. The MHC business is different than traditional asset classes in the sense that it is more of a national business so being able to network and meet people at conferences/events

that you are speaking with on the phone every week has been extremely valuable in kickstarting my career. What unique qualities and or personality do you feel makes you most successful in your profession? To be successful in this pro- fession you must have a great work ethic, be a creative prob- lem solver, and have confidence and conviction behind every action you take. An additional personality trait that is impor- tant to success in this business is that you must be a great listener. Being able to digest and figure out what the client is looking for or what their “pain point” is for that deal, and then being able to come up with a solution is what will separate you from your competition. What challenges and or ob- stacles do you feel you need- ed to overcome to become as successful as you are today? I would say I have a long way to go before being considered successful. However, I can say I have never had anything given to me. I have had to go out and earn everything I have accomplished so far. That has led to some good and bad days, but I think that represents a day in the life of being a Real Estate broker. You are going to have great days when you feel like you are on top of the world, and you are going to have days where you question yourself. But if you keep your head down, work as hard as you can, and control what you can control, you will stack more good days then bad which will eventually lead to the success you are trying to attain. What outside activities do you enjoy during your free time? When I have free time I like to spend it outside as much as possible. I enjoy playing golf, spending time at the shore/ beach, and being with friends and family. What inspiring word of advice would you give to a young executive graduating from college? A piece of advice I would give to young professionals graduat- ing college, is to take your time evaluating your options to find the right fit for your first job out of school. You should focus on what opportunity has a clear- cut plan for my success, who is going to help me develop my skills, and where is the best op- portunity for me to grow. MAREJ

Anthony Pino Associate Years with company/firm: 1.5 Years in field: 2.5 Years in real estate industry: 2.5 Real estate organizations/affiliations: MHI and PMHA

Atlantic multifamily team that sells apartments, Build-To- Rent communities and Mul- tifamily development sites. My role is to prospect and sell Manufactured Housing and RV communities across the Eastern United States. I spend

a lot of time going to local state association events to not only network but to become more knowledgeable about the in- dustry. I have also written guest columns for national publications such as MH Insid- er , the largest manufactured

Mid-Atlantic Real Estate Journal 30 Under 30 Northmarq congratulates 30 Under 30 , Anthony Pino, Baltimore Investment Sales office.

Scan the QR code to learn more about Northmarq’s Mid-Atlantic Investment Sales Team.

Anthony Pino Associate 410.296.6568 apino@northmarq.com

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