June 2024

M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal — 30 Under 30 — June 2024 — 11C


30 U nder 30 Mechanical Engineer, AKF Group Bridging Challenges and Triumphs in Healthcare Design: An Interview with Bridget Hettler


The biggest challenge I’ve had to overcome would be what is commonly referred to as “Imposter Syndrome”. After college, I found myself in a new environment where everyone was older than me; they had years of experience on me, and there were very few women. It was easy to feel intimidated and out of place. I eventually came to realize that everyone has to start somewhere, and you shouldn’t compare your- self to those around you. It is important to allow room for growth and celebrate the small successes along the way.

hat is your most no- table project, deal or transaction?

What outside activities do you enjoy during your free time? During my free time I enjoy travelling, seeing new places and having new experiences. I love getting outdoors and going hiking and camping. What inspiring word of advice would you give to a young executive graduating from college? Don’t be afraid to ask ques- tions. There is no one in the world who doesn’t need help sometimes. Collaboration and learning from those around you is a key factor in success. MAREJ

Bridget Hettler Mechanical Engineer Years with company/firm: 2.5 Years in field: 7 Years in real estate industry:7

My most notable project has been a new hospital currently under construction in Vir- ginia. As part of a team, I was able to participate in every step of the mechanical design from start to finish. Making the switch from designing of- fice spaces to healthcare facili - ties has been both challenging and highly rewarding. Who or what has been the strongest influence in your career? My parents have been the strongest influence on my ca - reer. For as long as I can re- member, they instilled in me the importance of hard work and persistence. I wouldn’t be in the position I am today without their encouragement and owe my work ethic to them. What unique qualities and or personality do you feel makes you most successful in your profession? I believe my organizational and time management skills have been some of the largest Dante Fusaro, Hudson Atlantic activities. I love working out, as it helps me stay fit and ener - gized. Golf is another favorite hobby of mine; it’s both relax- ing and challenging. Hiking up in the Adirondacks is some- thing I relish as well, climb- ing mountains and enjoying nature’s beauty. Additionally, I practice yoga, as it helps me with mindfulness and flexibil - ity. These activities collectively contribute to a balanced and healthy lifestyle. What inspiring word of advice would you give to a young executive graduating from college? True achievements require consistent effort and persever- ance. Embrace the hustle— work hard, stay dedicated, and push through challenges. Continuously seek knowledge and learning opportunities; staying curious and informed will set you apart. Build strong relationships, as networking and mentorship are invalu- able. Balance your ambition with patience and stay com- mitted to your long-term goals. Your journey is unique— pursue it with passion and resilience. MAREJ continued from page IC-C

factors in my success. Staying on top of my tasks and dead- lines has been the best way for me to achieve my goals. Of course, things don’t always go to plan and that’s when it be- comes important to maintain a positive attitude. Staying posi-

tive will allow you to continue to look for solutions in the face of obstacles and setbacks. What challenges and or obstacles do you feel you needed to overcome to be- come as successful as you are today?


Congratulations to Bridget Hettler, 30 Under 30 Honoree!

Mid-Atlantic Region: Baltimore, MD; Hamilton, NJ; Philadelphia, PA; Richmond, VA; Washington, D.C.


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