June 2024

M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal — 30 Under 30 — June 2024 — 13C


30 U nder 30 Kay Properties & Investments’ senior VP shares Insights on building lasting client relationships Achieving success and building relationships in real estate with Matt McFarland


hat is your great- est professional accomplishment?

"Sometimes, the most memorable deals aren’t about the monetary amount but the intrinsic value of the satisfaction they bring." — Matt McFarland

Matt McFarland Senior Vice President Years with company/firm: 7 Years in field: 7 Years in real estate industry: 7

One of my most significant achievements as a registered representative with Kay Prop- erties & Investments was being promoted to Senior Vice Presi- dent. This recognition came as a result of raising over $550 million in equity from more than 580 accredited investors. This accomplishment not only highlights my expertise in the commercial real estate industry but also demonstrates the trust and confidence my clients have in me. It is truly humbling. What is your most notable project, deal or transaction? Sometimes, the most memo- rable deals aren’t about the monetary amount but the in- trinsic value of the satisfaction they bring. Recently, an inves- tor felt he wasn’t receiving the attention he deserved. When he came to us, I took the time to sit down and speak with him, providing extensive edu- cational materials and making myself available for video calls or in-person meetings when-

I was born and raised in Palos Verdes, one of the most beautiful areas along South- ern California’s Santa Monica Bay. Growing up, I surfed, played sports, and enjoyed just about every outdoor activity imaginable. Now, as an adult, I still regularly enjoy these activities and consider myself blessed to have such great ac- cess to the beautiful outdoors. What inspiring word of advice would you give to a young executive graduat- ing from college? I would say to never give up. The real estate market is cycli- cal in nature, and sometimes the cycle seems to be against you. But stick it out, stay focused, and never lose hope and you will see the results of your hard work begin to multiply. MAREJ

Who or what has been the strongest influence in your career? To be honest, I would have to say Dwight Kay, the founder of Kay Properties. The way he help nurture and grow people is truly remark- able. He takes a scenario and helps us look at it from every possible angle imaginable – like 3D chess for investments. Personally, he has pushed me to be a leader in the company and in the industry, and that includes regular speaking engagements and pushing myself in all ways. Most defi - nitely, Dwight Kay has been the biggest influence in my current career. What outside activities do you enjoy during your free time?

ever he needed. He was so impressed with the attention I provided him with that he ultimately made multiple DST investments with us, totaling over $10 million. What stands out the most is not the end result of help- ing his family create and invest into a passive, curated, diversified portfolio, but the relationship that we were able to build through all the time spent together over the months leadingup to the trans- action. This relationship is one that I hold dearly to this day. How do you contribute to your company and/or the industry? One way I contribute to our

company, clients, and the com- mercial real estate industry is by focusing on educating clients about 1031 exchanges and DSTs. I regularly lead our firm’s weekly conference calls to discuss the specifics of Delaware Statutory Trust strategies. Additionally, I attend tradeshows and in- vestor meetings, providing one-on-one time to answer potential clients’ questions. I also contribute regularly to our company’s extensive col- lection of insightful articles on DSTs and 1031 exchanges. In my opinion, any opportunity to reach out and help people bet- ter understand our industry is a valuable contribution.

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