June 2024

14C — June 2024 — 30 Under 30 — M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal


30 U nder 30

Greysteel DC office promotes Nigel Crayton & Herb Schwat

East Brunswick, NJ high school students conclude ULI's UrbanPlan Program

WASHINGTON, DC — Greysteel announced the pro- motions of Nigel Crayton, and Herb Schwat . Nigel Cray-

He is a tremendous person who I’ve had the privilege of seeing execute at the highest of levels.” In Herb

my first internship as a Field Engineer. Shortly thereafter, I was offered a full-time posi- tion. The experience I gained in this position allowed me to move through the ranks with different companies and teams within the industry. What were some of your early goals and did anything happen to change them? My early goals were to take on as many responsibilities as possible, showcase my capa- bilities to the leaders I worked with and become comfortable with failing. I stayed true to my goals, learned that failure is not always a weakness and always gave it my best, even when I failed at something. Those failures were lessons that I needed to overcome and excel in my career. What unique qualities and or personality do you feel makes you most suc- cessful in your profession? A unique quality of mine is being coachable. I know and accept that I, like any other human, have flaws. Being coachable is one of the quali- ties that have allowed me to keep improving and grow- ing in my profession. I am surrounded by people in the industry and community who are willing to coach me and give me needed advice. What challenges and or obstacles do you feel you needed to overcome to be- come as successful as you are today? Learning the English lan- guage was the biggest obstacle EAST BRUNSWICK AND WOODBRIDGE, NJ — 40 students from East Brunswick High School who participated in Urban Land Institute Northern New Jersey’s (ULI NNJ) 2024 UrbanPlan pro- gram joined Russo Develop- ment executives and team members for a tour of the company’s East Brunswick and Woodbridge Vermella residen- tial rental community sites. The students gained an in- valuable firsthand look at re - development in action and the wide variety of careers avail- able in the commercial real estate and planning industries. UrbanPlan offers an opportu- nity for students to participate in a hands-on, simulated real estate planning program while working side-by-side with lead- ing industry professionals.

S c hwa t ' s new role as managing director of investment sales, he is responsible for co-leading and expand- ing the Mid-

ton will take on an ex- panded role overseeing strategic ini- tiatives and further ex- panding cli-

Nigel Crayton Herb Schwat

Atlantic multifamily practice, overseeing strategic initia- tives, driving growth, and consulting new and existing clients through complex fi- nancing, equity, and invest- ment sale transactions. With a proven track record, along with a deep understand- ing of the investment sales and capital markets landscape, Schwat consistently provides value-added and actionable solutions for his clients. His wealth of experience in real estate transactions and client- focused approach have earned him deep respect at Greysteel and within the industry. Schwat is a regular winner of Greysteel’s President’s Club Award, and has been recog- nized by Connect Media for their “CRE Next Generation Award”, awarded by Globe St. as “Influencers in Multifamily Real Estate”. “Herb is a phenomenal real estate broker and an even better person,” said Tangney. “The combination of integrity, intellect, and directness have propelled him to be a leader within our organization and the industry." MAREJ

ent relationships in the region as senior director of investment sales within the Washington, DC office. Crayton has been an integral part of Greysteel during his tenure, consistently demon- strating a deep understanding of the commercial real estate industry, unparalleled market insight, and a commitment to delivering exceptional client results. Along with his trans- actional successes as an invest- ment sales professional, he is a leader who takes intuitive. Crayton is a founding mem- ber of Greysteel's CRE Black Professionals Network (GBPN) , a regular contributor to Greysteel’s podcast series, a Greysteel President’s Club Award winner, and recognized by Connect Media for their Next Generation Award. “Nigel is a skilled professional who can navigate some of the most difficult transactions,” said senior managing director W. Kyle Tangney . “His under- standing of property operations, investor executions, and struc- turing of the capital stack are unique attributes that have set him apart within the industry.

East Brunswick High School Students Conclude Urban Land Institute’s UrbanPlan Program with Inaugural Tour of Russo Development’s Vermella Projects.

Through the program, students learn about the fundamental forces that affect real estate development and how respon- sible development can shape, transform, and ultimately im- prove our communities.

ULI NNJ introduced the UrbanPlan curriculum to East Brunswick High School in 2019 and, earlier this year, Russo Development became the event sponsor of ULI NNJ’s East Brunswick program. MARE

continued from page 4C Niko Spasov constructs a lasting legacy

I needed to overcome to be- come successful. At age of 13 when I moved to the United States, all I could say is hi, bye and thank you. It took me over three years before I could have a fluent conversation with my peers and even then, I was struggling with my heavy accent and wrong pronuncia- tions of certain words. I have mostly overcome that and am fluent in the English language. What was the most defin - ing moment for you? The most defying moment for me was building up the cour- age to drive into the American Dream job site, find the right person and ask for a job. When I received the offer let- ter for my first internship with a large international contrac- tor, I knew that the world of opportunities laid ahead of me and nothing was out of reach. I think back to that moment ev- ery time I find myself in a situ - ation that seems impossible. Who do you feel was most influential in your life when choosing this profession? The most influential person in my life when I was choosing this profession was my father, Toni Spasov. When we moved to the United States, my father started working in the con- struction industry, residential roofing and siding to be exact. He worked very hard with one mission in mind, to support our family and create opportunities for me and my sister to excel in our lives and careers. Every summer, very proudly I was next to him swinging a hammer and learning the trade. At the

end of the first summer, he gave me some advice that ultimately made me pursue my Construc- tion Engineering degree years later. He taught me the 4 v 40 rule, as he called it. He knew I was passionate about building and how intrigued I was by construction sites as we drove to work in the mornings. He said, “Use the next four years to learn as much in the classroom and in the field, apply it to your life and career and you’ll be suc- cessful for the next 40 years.” What is the funniest, most unique situation you have faced/conquered during your career? Or in your life? The funniest and most unique situation I have ever faced in my life was 8th grade Spanish class. It was the year I came to the United States. While in ESL classes learn- ing English, to fulfill the cur - riculum I was placed in a Spanish class, taught by an English-speaking teacher. I to this date wonder how and why I was placed in that class. I tell the story to almost everyone I meet and still laugh about it to this day. What inspiring word of advice would you give to a young executive graduating from college? Remember that every ex- perience, success or setback is equally important to your growth. Be coachable, find a mentor and have an open mind. Believe in yourself, stay resil- ient and never stop striving for excellence. Success is not about climbing the ladder; it’s about lifting others as you rise. MAREJ

SVN | Miller's Lindsay Mooney earns MD Real Estate License

SALISBURY, MD — SVN | Miller Commercial Real Estate would like to congratu- late Lindsay Mooney on becomi ng a licensed Real Es- tate Agent. Mooney is currently a property ma n a g e r with SVN | Miller and will now also serves as an associate advisor. Lindsay joined SVN | Miller in December of 2022. She graduated from Bloomsburg University in Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Science in Professional Sales and Marketing. She also obtained her master’s in Lindsay Mooney

business administration with a concentration in Marketing from Bloomsburg. While in college, Lindsay was also on the women’s swim team where she was team cap- tain from 2018-2022, member of the Women’s NCAA Team, 4x record-setting relays, 3x Champion and 16x AllConfer- ence performer at Pennsylva- nia State Athletic Conference Championship (PSAC). “As Lindsay transitions into selling real estate, her under- standing of property manage- ment will serve as a solid foun- dation for her career, ensuring a seamless and enriched client experience. We believe she will be an incredible asset to our SVN | Miller team.” Said managing director, Rick Til- ghman, CCIM, CPM . MAREJ

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