and the next, often several months away, before granting prescriptions for HRT. 62 For many
trans people, this only worsens their dysphoria, as they are forced to live as if they have fully
transitioned, and this only highlights the sex characteristics they wish to change, feeling as if
they stand out in society as someone who may appear one gender, but has the name and
clothes of another. If medical transition is not yet available, many trans people would rather
live as their AGAB so they do not stand out as trans, considering British society still has
extreme problems with physically violent and social transphobia. All in all, this creates an
environment wherein the government is claiming to be supporting trans people, but the
current support available drives people without large funding out of the country, or to
Recommendations for possible improvements Many, including trans advocacy groups and the British Medical Association, have advocated
for the replacement of GRAs, considering that due to the lengthy bureaucracy, potential
costs, and invasive medical questions, it is estimated that only 2.5 per cent of the trans
population in Britain have successfully used the legislation in place to legally change their
gender. The Gender Recognition Act could be replaced by the system used in the Republic of
Ireland, Denmark, British Columbia and Malta and other countries, wherein an individual
seeking legal gender reassignment recognition stands before a witnessed statutory
declaration, and must declare that they: ‘Have a settled and solemn intention of living in the
preferred gender for the rest of their life. Understand the consequences of the application.
Make the application of their own free will.’ 63
62 Gender Identity Research & Education Society, p. 33 63 British Medical Association, Motion 4: Healthcare and Rights of Transgender and Nonbinary Individuals , < individuals-briefing-arm-2020.pdf> [Accessed 10/01/2023], p. 4
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