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Six individus déguisés en ouvriers du bâtiment ont tenté d’entrer par effraction dans un commerce de Casselman situé sur Richer Circle. Les suspects ont pris la fuite à bord d’une Dodge Caravan argentée endommagée après avoir échoué à pénétrer dans le bâtiment. La Police provinciale de l’Ontario demande au public de lui fournir toute information concernant l’incident qui s’est produit la veille du jour de l’An. (Photo OPP) Toute personne ayant des renseigne- ments sur l’identité des hommes est priée de communiquer avec la Police provinciale de l’Ontario du comté de Russell au 613-443- 4499 ou avec le Centre de communication de la Police provinciale de l’Ontario au 1-888-310-1122. Si vous souhaitez garder l’anonymat, vous pouvez communiquer avec Échec au crime au 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS). Dodge Caravan argentée dont une portière arrière a été endommagée. La plaque d’immatriculation est inconnue.

La Police provinciale de l’Ontario (PPO) du comté de Russell sollicite des renseignements concernant une introduction par effraction survenue la veille du jour de l’An dans un commerce de Casselman. Peu avant 21 h 30 le dimanche 31 décembre, six hommes déguisés en travail- leurs de la construction ont tenté d’entrer par effraction dans un commerce situé sur Richer Circle, mais ils n’y sont pas parvenus et n’ont rien pris. La Police provinciale de l’Ontario solli- cite des renseignements sur ces hommes, décrits comme mesurant entre 5 pi 9 po et 5 pi 11 po (175 à 180 cm), de corpulence moyenne à forte, et portant des vestes de haute visibilité, des casques blancs, des gants, des cagoules et des bandanas. Les hommes ont pris la fuite à bord d’une

The OPP is asking for any information regarding the men, who are described as being between 5’9” and 5’11” (175 to 180 cm), medium to heavy build, and wearing high visibility jackets, white helmets, gloves, balaclavas and bandanas. (OPP Photo)

EMBRUN RESIDENT CHARGED IN BREAK-AND-ENTERS and charged in relation to two break-and- FOUFSTDPNNJUUFEKVTUCFGPSFUIF/FX:FBS " CVTJOFTT PO /PUSF %BNF 4USFFU JO &NCSVOXBTCSPLFOJOUPPO%FDFNCFS  2023, and shortly after a residential home on Hybrid Street was also broken into. The investigation concluded when officers


executed a search warrant on the suspect’s home and recovered several items missing from the two locations. 5IFZFBSPME&NCSVOSFTJEFOUXBT charged with two counts of breaking and entering, two counts of theft under $5,000, two counts of mischief under $5,000, and one count of trespassing at night. The accused was held for bail.

Two break-and-enters reported near the end of December have resulted in the arrest of an Embrun resident. The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) in Russell reported that, with the assistance of the OPP Community Street Crime Unit (CSCU) and the OPP Forensic Identification Services '*4 BO&NCSVOSFTJEFOUIBTCFFOBSSFTUFE

Un résident d’Embrun a été accusé de deux chefs d’accusation d’introduction par effraction. -Photo d’archives



wallet controlled by the fraudsters. Resi- dents should be wary of anybody asking for cryptocurrency as payment, as it’s almost impossible to track once sent. The OPP has several tips for avoiding QR code scams and other kinds of fraud. First, never trust unsolicited texts, emails, or private messages that give you a QR code to scan. Scanning a QR code and proceeding to the linked website can put your device, personal information, and even your entire JOUFSOFUOFUXPSLBUSJTL/FWFSTDBOB23 code to send or receive a payment. Ins- tead, use established and secure payment channels. Finally, as a rule, no government agency will ask for payment via cryptocurrency. If you suspect you have been the vic- tim of cybercrime or fraud report it to your local police and to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre’s online reporting system or by phone at 1-888-495-8501. If not a victim, report it to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre anyway.

with any link that’s been emailed or texted, residents are advised to avoid scanning strange or unknown QR codes. There are several different methods that scammers will use QR codes to defraud victims. The simplest method is for the scammer to pretend to be a government agency, finan- cial institution, or other trustworthy source and prompt the victim to scam a QR code that leads to an insecure website. Just as the CAFC recommends not clicking strange links, residents should not scan unknown QR codes. Another method is for a scammer to buy an item off an online marketplace like Facebook. Instead of sending the payment through secure channels, they will instead send a QR code to the seller, saying they need to scan the code to receive payment, prompting them to enter banking or other sensitive info. A more complicated scam combines the anonymity of QR codes with the technical

The Russell County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is warning about iden- tity theft and bank scams that rely on QR codes after a Russell woman was scammed out of more than $2,500 last month. The scammer posed as an employee from a popular online platform that the victim frequented and told her that she had to update her banking information to continue using the website. The victim was instructed to provide her banking information through a QR code leading to a separate messaging platform. The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC) reported an increase of frauds that use QR codes to trick victims into thinking a link is legitimate or official. Although they may look high-tech and secure, scanning a QR code is no different than clicking on a link. As

nature of cryptocurrency. Scammers will ask for cryptocurrency as payment for dif- ferent kinds of fraud and use a QR code to direct victims to pay into a specific crypto Scanning this QR code will take you to the newspaper’s website, but QR codes can link to any website, including fraudulent scam sites. (Christopher Smith)

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