FMN | October 26th, 2020

Roberts : Salespeople are the best of the best. I have my assessment tool and I can tell you what the best of the best have and one of those things is what we call the “figure it out factor” or resilience. They are agile. And if the market is saying that’s what I want, they will adjust to it. Florida State did a study recently where they surveyed a number of buyers and 85 percent of buyers clearly said,‘I expect a sales person to speak to me and connect the dots between what they sell and how it impacts my bottom line.’And at that time, only 15 percent of sales people were doing it. So if you really want to be unique and really want to make a difference, learn business acumen. What we are going to offer in this training is an intro- duction to it. I have a business acumen virtual course that takes a month. It has a business simulation where you apply what you learn and you actually run a business with other team members. And it’s competitive; one of the groups wins.What you do is you see the impact of cutting your inventory and losing orders.You see the im- pact on cash flow if you give people longer terms or free freight.Those are the things that drive CEOs nuts. A CEO once said to me,Why can’t my people think like entrepreneurs? And I said, well, they can with training. (Cont’d on Page 9)

AICC Training (Cont’d from Page 5)

BestBrightHalfHOUSEfour.qxp_Layout 1 9/13/18 3:04 PM Page 1 FMN: Becoming a business consultant requires them to learn a new skill set. They have to learn another part of the business. Are they receptive to that? target the right accounts that value what you offer the most.Your close rate improves, your profit per sale im- proves and actually your overall motivation improves because you are having meaningful conversations. We also must focus on ways to improve how sales- people and sales managers understand the language of business. For as long as I’ve been in business, there’s always been two things buyers complain about: sales- people don’t listen and they don’t understand how I make money, so I can’t have a business conversation with them. Author and co-leader of this AICC course, Ed Wallace, often says in his training that buyers want sales people who are business consultants masquer- ading as sales people. But they can’t do that if they don’t understand business acumen. So, we are just go- ing to give them a very succinct and foundational un- derstanding in terms like EBIT, income, costs.What are business drivers and what are business costs? And that way, as people sell, they can actually build meaningful business cases.

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