NPI Horti Supplies Catalogue 2023


HT-R45C Binding, stapling and cutting in a single movement! Trouble free and quick binding and unrivaled in functionality. For the binding of all climbers and pot plants, for colour coding and marking (Christmas) trees. You have come to the right place for the best tapener currently available on the market! The HT-R45C MAX tapener has the following features:

• Binds 50% lighter than other tapeners on the market • Lightest tapener in its class, only 430 gr • More robust • Manufactured from sturdier parts

HT-B1 The HT-B1 has the same improved design of the HT-R45C and the robustness you were used to from the old HT-B tapeners. The HT-B1 is the low-cost MAX tapener!

HT-S45E The blue HT-S45E tapener is a high-quality tapener that delivers an extra-strong binding. Ideal for tying trees and vines, for example. The HT-S45E tapener is an excellent substitute for tying binding tubes by hand when tying espalier trees, for example. Resulting in huge time savings!

HT-R24C The compact and lightweight HT-R24C tapener has been specially developed to work in narrow spaces and small pods. With the smaller opening and the shorter grip, this tapener is perfect for binding in dense plants. The ergo- nomic handle makes this tool also useful for people with small hands.

HR-F With the HR-F tapener, you can quickly staple and cut tying tube up to 4 mm. Specially developed for heavier binding.


Type tapener

Tapener opening

Packing per piece per piece per piece per piece per piece per piece

T1030138 T1030198 T1030199 T1030103 T1030207 T1030208


50 mm 50 mm 24 mm





50 mm 50 mm

20 pieces in a bulk package

Suitable for HT-R1 and HT-B1 tapeners. The packaging of the Max staples has recently been renewed. The new packaging is a flat design and has small opening so the staples can be taken out of the box easily. We deliver the old packaging as long the stocks last. After that, the Max staples will only be supplied in the new packaging.



No. per box

T1030130 T1030132 T1030810

for HT-R1/HT-B1 tapener (604E-L) for HR-F tang (G1305-M) for H-S45E tapener (404 F-L)

48.000 pieces 10.000 pieces 30.000 pieces

10 boxes in bulk package for the HT-R1/HT-B1 tapener


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