Best of Cruise February 2024 PTC

“I am obsessed with the disco era and Donna Summer is an absolute icon. I am grateful that I get to carry on her legacy.”

costumes. During this 20 minutes, the seats are retracting, so people are starting to come onto the dance

floor. The music is changing. The Cruise Director is telling everyone Wonderland is

about to start. It’s so crazy because people don’t realise it is us, the cast of Summer, that are doing this mad

quick change and then just coming out and being these magical disco characters.

On rest days, it’s normally a very, very simple day. We wake up, see what the port is for the day, and get off the ship and explore. We’ll normally spend atrocious amounts of money of souvenirs and presents for friends and family and we will probably do an excursion or something like that. Then, we come back to the ship, have some lunch, and then get ready for dinner. We will probably watch one of our other shows on board or go to one of the bars and then call it a night. How do NCL’s theatre upgrades, like removable floors seating, elevate the experience for performers and guests? I think it’s so clever because when you see a show you are on a high. People want to carry on the night, especially


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