THE HOME OF THE Bible Institute of Los Angeles H 'iiiiiiiiiiitniiiiiiiiiimuitiiiimiriiimiiimiiiiimiiniiiiiiiiiuntiirmiim 1 Owned and Controlled by the Institute and free from vl Debt .il[!l¡lli!(IJI!!!!ll!lll!lll!lin!ll!¡IIIIIIIIIIIIiill¡illill|||||!ll!!!i!lll!||Hll Used only for the Definite Purposes of Institute Work ..In the Center of a Great City SOUND IN DOCTRINE— SANE IN DEIN)RT>TRNT'—-SINCERE IN DEVOTION—SUCCEBSFUIi IN BUSINESS FOB GOD; HANDLING TRUST FUNDS. The Bible Institute Building Company, holding in trust the great plant erected for the work of the Bible Institute of Uos Angeles, is incorporated undér the laws of the State of California, to carry on the business of training men and women for Christian work, the publish» ing of religious books and literature, the teaching and preaching of the Gospel in this and other lands, and the handling of funds for definite Christian work; and, the deed to its property Is based upon a statement of doctrine which includes the following: l T h e verbal inspiration o f th e W ord of C od. ■ , O ne G od existin g and m an ifesting H im self in three person s. Father, S on and H oly Spirit.. . ■ . - . . . T he personality' o f th e H oly Spirit. _ im portation o f the d ivin e life o f G od unto those w h o accept Jesu s C hrist as Savrour, and con fess H im as IJord; ; ■ T he eternal pun ishm ent o f th ose who, reject Jesu s C hrist. .This,, statem ent o f d o c tr in e y o f w hich th e above is a syn opsis, is signed by every ‘m e r a b e r b ft h e faculty and t h é .h e a d s o f oil departm ents o f Institute^ w ork, the first, o f every year. N o one can preach or teach •in the ' Institute w ho does not hold th ese truths. A violation o f th ft t r u s t ' w ould, invalidate the deed to th e property. - - .V. -. l/y- ,***•' >.v ?tv The property is worth more than a ■rhillion :jioílar& and is ;used entirely for the. definite work of the Institute. ' There ’ i s h o ’commercialism in connection with . the_work/,and *never.can be.-: ... V T he Institute w ill receive a . g ift o f 'fiihds and 'contract to. pay á. fair, rate o f interest pn sam e durin g th e life-tim e o f the givey, ; 5 : y T h e Institute w ill agree to adm inister any sum s com m itted to it for the benefit o f any m ission ary organizatio n d e s ig n a ted, w ithput charge. The instituto was designed, and-has; been .and is being used for one single purpose—the saving of souls ándi the sanctifying of the saints throughout the world; ^a* dem onstrated its busin ess ability; and offers its services to any o f G od’s people w h o are seekin g in these perilous tim es to have^ their funds carefu lly and w isely adm inistered fo r the furth ering o f the interests of the G ospel an d glory of- H is S on. J g -• " ; y j j : :• : ; g jjg : : ?| ‘ p g ; §■.g W e .in vite inquiries: W e are here to serve? * . T he virgin birth qt C od’s Son, Jesus C hrist. T l * pre-ex is tepee o f . th e ¿Lord Jesu s C hrist. aton ing w ork o f Jesus C hrist ioi* th e sin s' o f mankind* ...-7 .
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