THE KI NG ' S BUSINESS 1019 in sympathy with these doctrines, worship with us and we will do you good.” Then follows their statement of belief. It reads : 1. The unique, inspired authority and infallibility of the entire Bible in> every part as the Word of God. 2. The lost condition of all men by nature, as the result of Adam’s fall. 3. The deity of Jesus Christ, different in kind as well as in degree from any so-called “ divinity” of man. 4. The virgin birth of Jesus Christ. 5. The redemption for men only by faith in Christ and His finished work, who by His death became man’s Saviour by becoming man’s Substitute, receiving in Himself thè penalty of man’s sin and the necessary and holy wrath of God against sin. 6. The resurrection of the body of Christ and of all men. WHERE DOES Our Money Go? The Chief Physicist of the Bureau of Standards at Washington has compiled the Government records and gives us the following interesting items: “ Out of every dollar paid into the national treasury the disbursement is divided as follows: For past and future wars, the war debt, pensions, war risk insurance, the army and navy departments, the sum of ninety-three cents. For the department dealing with human welfare, educational work, agriculture, public health work, women’s and children’s welfare, libraries, research work, etc., a little over one cent. The remaining five cents of each dollar is used for the machinery of the Government, public buildings, navies and harbors, etc.” This is an interesting piece of news and, no doubt, will be a-revelation to most people and this question, “Where?” suggests another of vital import. Where does the money of the church members go? It would be of interest if we knew how much went to educational purposes in this and foreign fields, where it is being used to teach people that the Bible is not an infallible guide and where infidel text books are used. How much of it goes to pay the salaries of professors and missionaries who take a devilish delight in wrecking the faith of men and women? How much of it goes to the publication of church and Sunday school literature that carries the seed of doubt and denial of fundamental doctrine? How much of it is spent in surveys and social service, moving pictures and other interests foreign to the real work of the church? If we could have these facts and figures, we might stir the sluggish souls of church members and help to bring about a real reformation in the financial affairs of the Church. We cannot hope to obtain these facts, but we do desire to awaken our readers to the consciousness that it is their business to see that none of their money is given for soul destroying pur poses. Where does our money go? T. C. H. 7. The personality of the Holy Spirit. Let’s have more of the same kind. — It. L. B.
FORM OF BEQUEST To Bible Institute o f Los Angeles
I give and bequeath to the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, incorporated under the laws o f the State o f California ___________ dollars, and I direct that the release o f the President o f the Board o f Directors o f said Bible Institute o f Los Angeles shall be sufficient discharge to my executors in the premises.
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