that they can be better to themselves than God would be. Christianity without Christ is a mere Sunday club, a joy to the devil and a disgust to God. One of the signs of depth is clear ness. Mrs. Eddy, for instance, thinks she is deep when she is merely muddy. Many men are not Gospel hardened so much as they are method hardened. If you must disobey God, seek a place where He cannot see you. Thefts never enrich, alms never im poverish and prayers never hinder work. There are two things inseparable from lying; many promises and many excuses. We cannot ascend to God’s heaven until we first descend into the hell of our own hearts. Every command of God has a promise for its kernel. Some men will cry out against the breaking of an alabaster box while si lently furnishing the nails for a coffin in which to bury their competitor. To possess a sanctimonious face is no sign of a Spirit-filled heart. A sheep killing dog looks sanctimonious. Don’t have your concert first and then tune- your instruments afterward. Begin the day with the Word of God and prayer and get first of all into har mony with Him. No man shall be in heaven but he that sees himself fully qualified for hell, as a fagot that is bound up for eternal burnings unless mercy plucks the brand out of the fire. He who honors the Lord will give Him his substance as well as his senti ment.
Men are wise as long as they seek wisdom. They are not so wise when they think they have found it. The only way to avoid the sight of fools is to remain in one’s chamber and break the mirror. Silence may sometimes he foolish be fore the wise, but it is always wise be fore the foolish. Don’t stare iip the steps of success; step up the stairs. It isn’t necessarily the right road because it is well beaten. A hen doesn’t quit scratching be cause the worms are scarce. Politeness is like an air cushion. There may be nothing in it, but it eases the joints wonderfully. Every form prostrated before an image, represents glory taken from God. Be looking for something more to do FOR Christ and you will keep re ceiving more FROM Christ. The Pope’s calendar only makes saints of the dead, but the Bible re quires saintliness in the living. When by yourself, watch your thoughts. When in the family, watch your temper. When in company, watch your tongue. He that hath light thoughts of sin, never had great thoughts of God. Anger is a gun that bursts at the breech and kills the holder. He that labors is tempted by one devil; he that is idle, by a thousand. Giving to the Lord is but transport ing our goods to a higher floor. A sweet spirit can make the plainest face beautiful. We cannot always say clever things, but we can always say kind things. Some people are under the delusion
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