THE K I N G ’ S BUSINESS fore you the way of life and the way of death, and I stop, and let God say His text, “ Say ye to the wicked, ill with him. Say ye to the righteous, well with him.” m m TRUTH AND ERROR The Chart, outlining modern false cults, and known as “ The Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Error,” is hav ing its fifth large edition in England, 100,000 having been circulated in that country alone. This Chart started a lit tle over a year ago with a Bible class in Los Angeles and has now been printed in several countries in large editions. It is being circulated in America by the Christian Fundamentals League, Room 207, Van Nuys Building, Los An geles, and those who desire literature for winning their friends from false cults should get in touch with Mr. Had den, secretary of this league. The Master’s words, “ Pray ye the Lord of the harvest that he would thrust forth laborers into his harvest,” have been heard on many occasions when the needs of the mission fields have been presented to Christians, but it is not often that a reversal of this prayer finds voice. From a missionary returned from ICorea we leajn that practicably the entire mission force of -all denomina tions, and practically the entire church of Korea, is premillennial; that the Korean Christians and preachers to a man believe the Bible through and through, and it is not their purpose to stand- for any teaching, subverting to simple faith in the fundamentals of the Word of God, including the blessed hope of the Lord’s coming. When a missionary appears on the field whose views of the Bible and of this doctrine afe a » PRAY THEM IN OR OUT
are at variance with the established be lief we are told that the Korean churches unite in prayer to thrust this laborer out of the field. Such has been done in the case of a number of mis sionaries, who found themselves “ per sonae non gratae” and their surround ings so uncomfortable that they found it best to return to America.— Friends Minister. A BIBLE INSTITUTE NEEDED Recent letters from Mr. A. E. Bish op, who has been a missionary for over twenty-five years, in Guatemala, Cen tral America,—working under the Cen tral American Mission, speak of the great need for a Bible Institute there for the training of native workers. Mr. Bishop has founded in Guatemala a strong, definite, evangelical and evangelistic work, on a Bible basis, in which we are greatly interested. Some of our own Institute graduates are now laboring there. Mr. Bishop is a fine Bible teacher,— a man who has not only put his life blood into the work, but also his means, having given up his business in order to take up this work. Guatemala City is peculiarly well adapted for such a training school, and we take pleasure in heartily commend ing the enterprise. We will be glad to give any further information de sired, or a communication addressed di rect to Mr. A. E. Bishop, Box 74, Guate mala City, Guatemala, C. A., will meet with a prompt and definite response. THE BAIT Falsehood is never so successful as when she baits her hook with truth. No opinions so fatally mislead us as those that are not wholly wrong; as no watches so effectually deceive the wearer as those that are sometimes right.—Colton.
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