Can We Lr?e tke
Overcoming Life?
Is it a Matter of Temperament or of T ru st? C an it be LiVed in Such D a^s as These? Bj> REV. WM, P. NICHOLSON
N Romans, chapter 12 and verse 21, we are instructed to be not overcome, but over come. The words are: “ Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” Be not overcome, but over
our weakness. And then, it makes a great difference to others whether we are being overcome or not, because if we are overcoming, it inspires others. You know the effect that strong, robust, sanctified Christian life has upon you. My, how it spurs you on and how it in spires you on to greater things. I have been greatly impressed with the fact that the person who is weakest in him self and has the most to fight against and contend with, is the person who knows the most about overcoming. The man of strong will and determined char acter is often the weakest man. The man that knows little or nothing about moral strength and puts all his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ leads a life of continual victory. If it is a matter of trust, then there is no need that we should be overcome. If we are going to bring into this fight our environment, our natural disposi tion and weakness, we must allow for being overcome. It is not a matter of Temperament but Trust. The Lord says He is greater than all these, and it is all determined by simple and con stant faith in God. What an inspira tion it is to every man who is defeated to see another man who is living by the power of faith in Christ— a life of continual victory and overcoming. And then not only does it inspire oth ers, but what a wonderful thing it is to the person who is overcoming! Have you ever tried to live with a woman who is overcome with jealousy; have you ever tried to live with a man who is overcome with meanness,' or who is of a vile and passionate nature and disposition and temper? If you
come. We must either overcome or be overcome. We cannot take any neutral ground in this matter. If I am not liv ing an overcoming life, then I am being overcome day by day in my Christian life. If I am not an overcomer, then I am being overcome by the enemies that assail every human soul. There are those who imagine that it does not make much difference whether they overcome or whether they do not. My friends, it makes all the difference in the world whether you are an overcomer or whether you are being overcome.- First of all, it makes all the difference to God. The honor of God is at stake. The world only knows God as they know God in your life and mine. Their esti mation of God’s power is their estima tion of the power of God manifested in our lives. As they see the over coming power of God in_ the lives of professing Christians, so they are led to believe in it. It therefore makes a great difference to God ae to whether we overcome or not. Jesus, before He left this world, said, “ Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Affects Others How can people know the world was overcome, if we are being overcome day by day by it? It is as we are liv ing overcoming lives by the power of the Overcomer that they see that God is greater than sin and greater than
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