THE K I N G ’ S BUSINESS have, you know what that kind of a life means. I know of some homes which are a regular hell on earth. Sometimes it is the woman and some times it is the man. What a fine thing it is to work alongside of a man who has learned the secret of overcoming. It makes a great deal of difference to others whether or no.t we overcome or are being overcome. Ourselves Then, too, it makes a great difference to ourselves . . . Show me a man that is always being overcome by the ene mies that assail him and I will show you a man that has lost heart. Take a man that has been defeated. He has his head down and he slouches along. Show me a man or a woman who has learned this secret of overcoming, and I will show you a person who has all the sweetness there is in life. There is not that mean, selfish feeling which, comes to those who are constantly overcome, but we stand erect with our shoulders squared and we are able to look every foe in the face because of our simple trust' in the Lord Jesus Christ. And so, friends, to be continually overcome and to be continually crushed by defeat means that your life is spoiled, and it destroys all the joy and all the gladness, and your life is filled with gloom and misery and hopeless ness. The Devil Then, too, it makes all the difference to the devil whether we are overcome or not. If I am always being overcome then in my life, the devil has a place, and the Bible distinctly says “ we are not to give place to the devil,” And yet how many of us have given the devil a large territory in our Christian lives. It may be along the line of passion; it may be along the line of lust; it may be along the line of one thing or another in which we have given place to the devil, and it makes a great difference to the devil whether we are being
overcome. In this respect the devil can do more harm through the profess ing Christian than he can do through all the skeptics and infidels that ever lived. A man who does not make any profession may get drunk seven days in the week, but that does not hurt the church. But you show me a man or woman who is always giving vent to his or her passions, or show me a pro fessing Christian who gets drunk, and I will show you one that is hurting the church of Jesus Christ more than ten thousand skeptics, however bad and outrageous they may be. If everyone of us would learn the secret of this life of overcoming, all the powers of hell could not prevail against us, and we would honor God more and attract dejected souls to the Saviour. Have you noticed how many promises are made in the Bible to those who live the overcoming life? The first book of the Bible speaks to us about a man being overcome and the last book tells us about a man being able to overcome if. he will only trust the Lord. Will you turn to Revelation, chapter 2, verse 7? “ He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches: To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.” Then in the eleventh verse we read: “ He that overeometh shall not be hurt of the second death.” The twenty-sixth verse says: “ And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations.” Chapter 3, verse 5: “ He that over cometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before His angels.” Abraham was an overcomer, and you read of God saying, “ I am the God of Abraham.” Isaac was an overcomer, and you read often of God saying, “ I am the God of Isaac.” Jacob was an overcomer, and how often you read of
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