THE K I N G ’ S BUSINESS he increaseth strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall.” That is, man at his best wij.1 fail and fall. “ But they that wait upon the Lord shall change their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” God has given us two wings, faith and prayer, but the sad thing is so many have allowed Satan to clip them. Instead of soar ing above their foes and failures, they are not able to rise above them and are constantly overcome by them. “ Surely in vain the net is spread in the eyes of anything that hath a wing” (Prov. 1:17, marg.) Let us take God’s way and have done with our own. Rev. W. P. Nicholson, Bible Institute evangelist, now in Ireland on leave of absence for the purpose of visiting his aged mother, and engaging in Confer ence work, writes as follow»: “ I've been busy ever since coming home. We have had open air meetings almost every night. There are so many summer visitors here that it affords a fine opportunity. Praise God, many have been personally dealt with and quite a number have decided for Christ. . I open my first mission in Bangor in October. The need is gappalling. Indifference abounds. I was over in Scotland for five days in August. God wonderfully gave us crowds and conversions. I have a one week's mission in Carlisle, Eng land, September 19th to 26th. Am preaching twice and three times every Sunday here in Bangor, and in churches in the country. Oh, for a widespread conflagration of Holy Ghost fire. Early in July I preached in my old church in Glasgow, Scotland, and met the committee who are planning for the winter's work there. They have divided the city^ into seven or eight sec tions, so I'll be running a continuous mission. They are very hopeful because their dependence is on God alone. I begin there the first Sunday in Noyember (D. V.) in a big hall seating about 2500, right in the center of the city. We are sure the readers of The King’s Business will be glad to take our dear Brother Nicholson on their hearts for prayer that his visit to Ire land may result in great good in the salvation of many precious souls, and for his safe return to this country. EVANGELIST NICHOLSON IN IRELAND
up trying, but never ceasing to trust. Then again, how are we to overcome the devil? In James, chapter 4, verse 7, we read: “ Submit yourselves there fore to God.' Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” A friend came to me and said: “ The Bible says, ‘Resist the devil and he will flee from you.’ Well, I tried that, and instead of fleeing from me he flew at me.” “ But,” I said, “ the trouble with you is that you have only taken half of the verse.” Submit yourself unto God. Re sist. That makes the difference. I tell you, friends if you meet the devil in your own strength you will find you are no match for him. Submit to God and in the power of that submission, resist, and you will find that the gates of hell shall not prevail against you. If only we confess our weakness and inability, and submit ourselves and our foe to God, He will give us such power to resist that the devil will flee from us. Satan is too much even for the best and strongest of us. We are no match for him. How hard it is to get us to believe that! The only man that evdr met and ‘mastered him was the God-man. Let us live this life of sub mission to God and we will not be over come, but be overcomers. “ They over came him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto death.” ; How is this life of overcoming to be maintained? This is a difficulty that meets us all the time. Some may have hope that they may overcome for a time or under certain circumstances, but to overcome every foe always, under any circumstances, is what perplexes them. The only way such a life can be maintained is by faith and prayer. Believe that it is possible for you all the time and believe God is able, then pray continually, and God will keep you overcoming. In Isaiah 40:29-31, we read: “ He giveth power to thje faint and to them that have no might
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