III Evangelistic Department Hi! gll INTERESTING STORIES from REAL EXPERIENCE llgl IB AS TOLD B Y B I B L E I N S T I T U T E W O R K E R S m HUNAN WORK “ The Gospel— The Power of God Unto Salvation” wonderful Gospel do all that it can do for us? Ignorance of the Wise
A few days ago I was passing along one of the main streets of Changsha. It was on the first day of the Chinese month, and on this day and on the fif teenth the Chinese perform special acts of worship. In the doorway of one of the large stores stood a very nicely dressed man. His face was an attrac tive one, refined and earnest, and yet he stood there burning incense and making profound bows to his heathen gods. It was a most pathetic sight, I could hardly go on. I wanted to stop and plead with the man, and yet it . would be very discourteous to inter rupt him in his worship, and more harm than good would be done. Moreover, almost opposite the store of this man is one of the largest and most beautiful churches in Changsha, crowds of people gather there every Lord’s Day for wor ship, he sees them go, he has doubtless had Gospels and other Christian hooks given to him, but the Gospel, the mighty Power of God, has no effect up- on his life, _simply because he does not believe. When we think of cases like this, men who have been under the sound of the Gospel for years without being moved or helped by it, and then read the reports of our evangelists tell ing of the many in far away districts where the Gospel has never been preached before who hear the Word gladly,, who believe, who are saved ■ wonderfully saved, their lives witness- lni? u ° . the marvels of the salvation which is theirs, our hearts are filled with praise and gratitude to God Who has entrusted us with such a Gospel and is perniitting us to carry it to so’ many places where men gladly receive Gospel Power in China To fully realize what the Gospel is actually doing in China we need to stop and consider the conditions, mink of a country village where ior many centuries all the people have be- neved in and have worshipped idols. They have never heard of any other
What a wonderful Gospel we have! What a mighty power' it is, the very “ Power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.” How quietly ana yet how effectively it works, sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly, but always surely. Its work, too, is a perfect work. What marvelous transformations it ac complishes! And one of the most won derful things about it is this, that in spite of its irresistible power, it only works in harmony with the volition of those who come under its influence. Mighty as the Gospel is to save, -it only saves those who are willing to be saved and who believe. Precious and glorious as salvation is, the Gospel does not force salvation upon any man. But to those who believe! How can we describe the possibilities of a life that by faith has put Itself completely under the influence and control of “ The Power of God.” Are we letting this
C. H. Kang, Leader of Band Mo. 4
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