THE K I N G ’ S BUSINESS God, much less of a Saviour. A band of preachers visits the community, simple men they are, but men who have been saved themselves, and are absolutely sure that the Gospel is the Power of God .unto salvation. These men just go out into the homes of the people and deliver the message, fully expecting re sults, and the results come. In a few weeks men and women have truly be lieved, lives have been changed com pletely, the idols of many generations have been removed from their homes, texts of Scripture have been put up in place of the idols, and a little self- supporting church has been organized, or, as they more accurately call it, “ A society for prayer and the study of the Scriptures.” Of course when these young believers have been baptized this society will naturally become a church. Satanic Opposition Overcome Mr. Ou-Yang, leader of Band No. 4, writes us: “ We have three Bible study classes, one for men, one for women and one for young people, boys and girls, and on the first day of this month none of these people worshipped idols. ' They said, ‘We will no longer be the slaves of the devil.’ Thank God for His great love and the saving grace of Christ that has brought these people out of darkness into light.” Then Mr. Ou-Yang goes on to tell of the bitter opposition of the evil one, he says: “ But the devil is active, too, and has caused evil reports to be circulated, so that people are afraid to receive our books, and some who received books from us several days ago have brought them back to us, but in spite of these difficulties, trusting in God we will conquer.” What a fine note of courage and faith.' Idols Swept Out A very blessed work has been done in the field where the men of Band No. 2 have been preaching. The district is a large one and they were there for about two months. At first the soil seemed very hard, and during the first month it seemed as if the people would never respond to the appeals of the Gospel, then a break came and God gave them a specially rich harvest. * Out of a hundred people who mani fested some interest in the Gospel, fifty-five definitely gave their hearts to Christ. All idols and every trace of idolatry were removed from thirteen homes, and several more were about to take this important step when Mr. Tien wrote his report. Among the
converts were a number of men of the student class, several of whom had high literary degrees. Two notorious gamblers were saved. One of them held a note given him by a man for a gambling debt, which he publicly^ de stroyed, saying that it was unrighteous money and he did not want it. The other ex-gambler went into business and lived such a changed life that his wife also believed and now they have a happy Christian home. Four months ago heathen who had never heard the Gos pel and gamblers living by robbing their fellow men; today, children of God, saved by “ The Gospel— the Power of God,” A R«markable Conversion A most remarkable and interesting case in that Lung Tan Chiao district is that of Mr. Tang Ching-Ping, a man eighty-five years of age. Mi-. Tang has a literary degree; Chinese B. A., and is highly respected. For the last three or four years Mr. Tang has hardly been able to walk a half a mile, but since he has believed the Gospel and has given his heart to Christ he has been walking two miles to attend the Bible classes. He can read the fine print of a small Bible with ease and without us ing glasses. He is a most enthusiastic worker for Christ, whenever he meets people he stops them and tells them of Christ. For some time it was a great grief to him that none of his own fam ily believed, but after a little while, by God’s blessing on his earnest pray ers and his faithful testimony, his son, also a Chinese B. A., gave his heart to the Lord, and the aged father’s heart was filled with joy. On one occasion Mr. Tang went away on a three days’ preaching trip, so eager was he to spread widely the good news, “ The Gos pel— the Power of God.” Our Opportunity to Help My dear friends, God’s power is a spiritual power, and He manifests that power in answer to prayer. His re sponse to prayer is not limited to pray ers that ,go up from any special place, He can and will answer prayer for China just as readily, and just as - mightily, if that prayer is offered in America or England, as if it were of fered right here in China. What a wonderful opportunity this gives you to help in this blessed work, to be real partners with us in carrying the Gos pel to those who are sitting in dark ness. How I wish that I could bring you out
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