King's Business - 1920-11

1038 here and take you to a village buried in heathenism, and then let y°u that same village transformed by The ' Gospel— the Power of God.” Miracles. Yes, indeed! If anyone does not he- lieve in miracles let him come out here and see the miracles that God is per­ forming daily through “ The Gospel the Power of God.” With kindest regards, Truly yours in Christ Jesus, FRANK A. KELLER. Changsha, Hunan, China. . July 23, 1920. “ Ye have not chosen me, hut I have chosen you and ordained you that ye should go -and bring forth fruit and that your fruit should remain.” We forever praise God that He chose us and ordained us that we should go and bring forth fruit and, moreover it rejoices our heart that it remains, for the glory of God. To Him we as­ cribe all the praise and glory. In the last article in The King’s Business we wrote concerning what a tract did. In this article we are in­ cluding a letter from this Mexican con­ vert, which translated, is as follows: “ Mr. R. H. Bender, my very appreci­ able and never-to-be-forgotten brother: I salute you affectionately, hoping that you and the brethren in general are enjoying good health. I do praise the Lord for the peace and joy that I and my family are en­ joying. Your letter of the 18th in­ stant was received, and I understand all that you write about. It seems my head is so dull that nothing remains with me, hut, thank the Lord, He will permit me to learn something. I do v praise the Lord that you have taught me the way of truth. Dear Brother Robert, I wish you would do me the favor to send me two Bibles and a Testament. I want to send one to my brother in Mexico and the other I want to give to a man who is my enemy. I was talking to this man about his sinful life and told him to do good to his neighbor and he be­ came so enraged with me to the de­ gree that he wanted to kill me; hut my God defended me and now I want him to have a Bible. I am enclosing you five dollars, but first I want you to take three dollars which I desire to give you and with the other two dollars SPANISH WORK The Work of a Tract


R. H. Bender get the Bibles and Testament. I remain, Your affectionate servant,

This is indeed a wonderful testi­ mony, when we consider that not until within the last few months did this Mexican come into ' the knowledge of the truth as it is in Christ Jesus. Mexicans Make Bible Christians In one of our visits to one of the railroad camps, one young man ac­ cepted the Lord. Immediately the other men who had accepted the Lord en­ couraged this new convert, giving their testimony as to the joy of salvation. Truly- there is a hunger upon the peo­ ple for the Bread of Life. Recently when visiting some of the camps after our vacation, they all asked why we had been away so long, for they missed our talks to them. One woman, who had bought a Bible Of us, complained to us as she met us, “ My man (not having been married) has left me, and taken the tracts and the Bible with him.” We trust the reading of God’s Word may open his eyes, and he will leave' his sinful ways. Oh, how much this people need our prayers for those that we deal with are so ignor­ ant, and it takes some time for them to comprehend the truth. But one thing is certain, when they do comprehend and accept Jesus Christ, it is difficult for them to go back to Roman Catholi­ cism. One Mexican told me that he had a controversy with the priest of the Plaza Church, and told him that he had convictions now, and that he was a Christian because of conviction and not a Christian because of custom. This same Mexican recently asked me to get him a Bible, “ Because,” he said, “ I want to enlighten some of my neigh­ bors who are so ignorant of the truth.” Thus we see that as they come into the truth, they seek to get others to ac­ cept Jesus also.

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