THE K I N G ’ S BUSINESS We need your prayers that God may send conviction upon the Mexicans, and enlighten them concerning the work of Jesus Christ. ROBERT H. BENDER, Superintendent. gSgi ^fe. '¡ m a » BIOLA HALL Constant Testimony Kept Up It will he a matter of great rejoicing and praise to God on the part of those who have taken Biola Hall upon theii hearts to know how graciously their prayers have been heard and answered during the past month. One is really embarrassed in scanning the list of in teresting cases to know just which ones to select at this time to write up. Per haps nothing would be more interesting than to give the events of just one day’s work when one faithful co-worker started in (I can see him now) stamping every printed message with his stamp, “ Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again, according to the Scriptures.” Hundreds of these messages are distributed with a few words of invitation. (Three hundred thousand having been distributed dur ing the past six years.) So you will see that the printed word figures very largely in our work. Our reading room, containing books and pamphlets on all clear Scriptural subjects, is con stantly patronized. Business men drop in throughout the day for a quiet time. The noon prayer service is growing in interest and attendance and daily men drop in and tell of answered prayers. Known as a Place of Prayer One man, strictly up against it, be ing reduced to hut thirty-five cents, with no work and no prospects, was advised by his wife to go down to Biola Hall and ask for prayer. He told her that they could just as well pray then and there at home, and within the next few days help came, the burden was lifted, and they were rejoicing. He ' came in to offer a note of praise and thanksgiving. Another, comparatively a stranger here, told of how that morning he had made his need definite ly known to God, rising Very early in the morning to do so. He said he was constrained tq call up a certain well-established concern in the city and was told that they were just looking for such a man. The salary and work turned out to he all that he could de sire. Still another keen business man
found himself in a very tight place, and saw no way out. He hadn’t been in a church or any other religious meeting for many years. On the presentation of the simple Gospel, he broke down, and with tears to God poured out the story of his neglect and heart wander ings, and after prayer and intelligent acceptance of the truth as it is in Christ Jesus, went out to meet the shadowy future without fear and with a brave heart, carefully tucking the signed New Testament into his vest pocket. Untangling Men From Isms Our next visitor had been drinking at muddy streams and wanted to be set straight on “ soul-sleeping.” It was a great, pleasure to point him to II Corin thians 5 and other passages and note the responsiveness to the Word of God. We have many of this kind seeking light on certain passages and longing for deliverance from the strong de lusions of these last days. Dope Fiend Delivered Next came a man writhing in all the agonies of a crazed brain from drinking formaldehyde— a dope fiend for many years. Some demons go out only with prayer and fasting, and in this case it required two of us to take hold of God in his behalf; hut when the victory came it was marvelous to no tice the change from agony and tears to laughter and rejoicing; for our God is able” and is still in the miracle business. A Service of Joy Thus between the outdoor meetings they come, all sorts and conditions, and none go away empty. “ The (spiritual ly) blind receive their sight and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and the poor have the Gospel preached to them.” God gets the increase, Christ is glorified and exalted, and our hearts are made happy with thé joy of service owned and blessed of Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we may ask or think according to the power that worketh in us. D. T. CANT. m m Recent weeks brought many oppor tunities to “ Cast the bread upon the waters” and anew God’s grace and favor were manifested in the reaching of many men. Have you ever thrown a rock into a body of water and no- HARBOR WORK Touching Many Shores
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