King's Business - 1920-11


THE K I N G ’ S BUSINESS people into the glorious truth of the Word. “ Be not weary in well doing,” and pray much. OSCAR ZIMMERMANN, Superintendent. “ I would like to do vsome work for the Lord, but I . don’t know how or where to begin,” so mused a busy little woman. Then it came to her mind that the Bible class teacher had said, “ Every one can visit her neighbors and invite them to the class.” So with fear and trembling she went next door, and invited the young mother and her baby to come to the class. To her surprise she catae and came regularly until one day the class had the joy of knowing that the knowledge gained of God’s wonderful Word and His plan of sal­ vation had resulted in true conversion. That invitation given in fear to one who had just come to the city brought about the saving of a precious soul, a new member was added to the church of Jesus Christ, and joy and stimulus to a timid woman to do more of such work for the Master. Dealing With an Eddyite Christian Science cannot be met with ridicule. The people who are not in it may enjoy the fun, but it does not reach the very ones who need to be won. So the worker met this young mother on the grounds of sincerity and realization that she was hungry for something or she would never have gone into Science. Mrs. Eddy’s text books were brought out and a careful comparison of her teachings made with those of the Bible. After a two hours’ talk the young mother suddenly sat up very straight in her chair and said with conviction: “ Well, I do not see how I can keep Christian Science and the Bible too!” Time had passed so quickly that she had to hurry away, but not before making an appointment to meet the worker again. At the be­ ginning of the next interview the work­ er started at once upon the constructive side and sought to lead her to a definite knowledge of the Lord as her Savior. Her face lighted up and she said: “ Oh, I did that last week! I didn’t say it out loud, but I told the Lord I was going to take Him, no mat­ ter what it cost!” The worker went BIBLE WOMEN It Pays to Invite People

home happy in another demonstration of the fact of the power of God’s Word unaided by any human instrumentality. MRS. T. C. HORTON, Superintendent. PENNIES FOR CHRIST Said a preacher: “ I have seen a woman, professing to love Christ more than the world, clad in a silk dress costing seventy-five dollars; making up and trimmings of same, forty dollars; bonnet (or apology for one), thirty- five dollars; diamond ring, five hun­ dred dollars; watch, chain, pin and other trappings, four, hundred and fifty dollars,— all hung upon a Trail, dying woman. I have seen her, at a meeting in behalf of homeless wanderers in New York, wipe her eyes upon an expensive embroidered handkerchief at the story of their sufferings, and, when the con­ tribution box came round, take from a well-filled porte-monnaie, of costly workmanship, twenty-five cents to aid the society formed to promote their welfare. Ah! thought I: Dollars for ribbons, and pennies for Christ!” BAND OF THE HOUSE The word “ husband” means, liter­ ally, “ the band of the house,” the sup­ port of it,* the person who keeps it together, as a band keeps together a sheaf of corn. There are many married men who are not husbands, because they are not the band of the house. Truly, in many cases, the wife is the husband; for oftentimes it is she, who, by her prudence and thrift and econ­ omy, keeps the house together. The married man who by his dissolute habits strips his house of all comfort is not a husband. In a legal .sense, he is, but in no other; for he is not a honse- band; instead of keeping them together, he scatters them among the pawn­ brokers.

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