1043 that nothing else can, except the Bi ble itself.” Another says: “ I am an Armenian woman and have escaped from Turkish toils when the Turks, deported all the Armenians in the desert. I was studying the Bible in Armenia just as your paper teaches. I have had very little opportunity since I left my coun try to learn my Bible, except in Russia where, for seven months, I had but lit tle chance. I was just hungry to learn more about the grace and love of Je sus. My three sons escaped from Rus sia when the Bolshevik war started, coming through China and Japan, crossing the Pacific to California. Af ter many narrow escapes from Bolshe- viki I crossed the Arctic ocean and am sure my arrival in California was a miracle, for after spending a long time in a London hospital God saved me to cross the Atlantic and join my sons in Sunny California. The King’s Business came to us to teach us how to use the Holy Bible against the devil. Now we all live together and are glad once more to have opportunity to learn from the Bible. In our family devotions your grand paper helps us to understand.” We want our readers to bear two things in mind. Firstly, we can use money for sending the magazine to Missionaries and needy Christians; sec ondly, we appreciate having the names of worthy persons to whom the maga zine would be a help. ate
THE KI NG ' S BUSINESS It is blessed to have, as w e do from tim e to tim e, evidences that our labors have not been in vain in the Lord. A recent letter from John W . D unlop, ’ 15, w h o w ith his w ife, is engaged in w ork in the Philippines under the Presbyterian B oard, sends a g ift of $150 to^ be divided am ong the seam en’s w ork, the Jew ish w ork and the w ork in China.^ H e adds, “ O ur prayers follow this w ork continually and we often thank God for the In stitu te.” H arry R im m er w rites from U pper Lake, Calif., “ W e are havin g a reaping of souls in' this n eglected field. If G od pleases to supply the funds, w e . w ill continue on to the north until the cross o f C hrist is preached w herever the n eglected m ountain folks w ill listen.” H ow things are done in C ongo B eige is show n in the follow in g extracts from a recent letter from W in ifred W illiam s, ’ 17: “ T he little huts we live in have been ant eaten so that it is un safe at m idday in them w ithout a hat. Of cou rse it is a little uncom fortable to have a helm et on the head all day, and to have to get pp in the nigh t to shift som e box because you hear the w hite ants at it, and to bow earthw ard every tim e yo u w ant to go outside, but we praise the L ord every day for the w onderful things w hich H e is doing for us. A fter goin g throu gh the agony o f stoopin g and w alking out of the doorw ay at the sam e tim e, w e now behold a m ud m ansion! It w ill be ju st like a m ansion to us~ to have tw o bedroom s, a livin g room , and bath and storeroom , and all under one roof. T he L ord gave us this house. The ch ief had refused poles and m en for the w ork but the L ord answ ered th rou gh the official and we praise H is N am e! A nother answ er to prayer cam e yesterday w hen four hundred w om en cam e to carry m u d 'a n d put it on those walls. W ish you could have seen the sight. A bou t every oth er.on e had a baby on her back and we heard lusty yells from the babies all day. T he w om en w ere splattered w ith m ud. A s the heathen w om en w ear n othing but fresh green-leaves they did n ot have to think about w ash-day. I covet the tim e w hen each one of you reaches the field to w hich G od has called you , and you say to you rself, “ H ow good o f G od to Jet me com e.” I think how shallow and em pty m y life w ould be if I hadn’ t com e. A nd there is room for a good m any m ore out here. A great m any have gone hom e lately on their furloughs and there are very few com in g to fill the ranks. W ish you m ight have looked on those four hundred yesterday—and then think that they are all w ithout Christ. READ AND REJOICE Does it pay to put the Lord's money into sending The King’s Business to worthy persons who want the truth but can’t afford to subscribe? We could furnish plenty of evidence that it does. Says one: “ I wish it could come every week instead of every month. I was con verted 28 years ago and at that time we had the old time religion, but our people have wandered away till my heart was so hungry. Then this maga zine came to me and it fills a vacancy
DON’T TROUBLE TROUBLE There’s a saying old and rusty, But as good as any new; ’Tis, “ Never trouble trouble Till trouble troubles you.” If care you’ve got to carry. Wait till it’s at the door; For he who runs to meet it Takes up the load before.
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