THE KI NG ' S BUSINESS THE FEELING— “Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see Him not, yet believing, ye re joice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.” (1 Peter 1 :8 ,9 ).— Sel. CHRIST IN THE MOODST 1. In the Midst Serving. (Luke 22: 27). 2. In the Midst Suffering. (John 19:18). 3. In the Midst Comforting. (John 20:19, 26). 4. In the Midst Hearing. (Matt. 18:20). 5. In the Midst Observing (Rev. 1:12; 2:1). 6. In the Midst Worshiped. (Rev. 5 :6). , 7. In the Midst Shepherdizing. (Rev. 7:16). 8. In the Midst Singing. (Zeph. 3:17). R. E. NEIGHBOR. FOUR BEHOLDS 1. Behold Ruln^-Man’s lost condi tion. “ I am vile,” Job 40:4. 2. Behold Redemption— God’s pro vided salvation. “ Lamb of God.” John 1:29. 3. Behold Remedy-ÿ-Man’s present Hope. “Now is the day of salvation.” 2 Cor. 6:2. 4. Behold Retribution — The only alternative— Judgment. Jude. 14. K. L. B. THE LAW I. Purity of the Law. 1. The commandment of the Lord is pure. Ps. 19:8. 2. It is just and good. Ro. 7:12. 3. The law is holy. Ro. 7:12; 2 Pe. 2:21. 4. - The law is spiritual. Ro. 7:14. 5. The law is perfect. Ps. 12:6; 19:7. H. Purpose of the Law. 1. The law revealed the essential 3.
attributes of God,— justice and holi ness,— attributes on which His throne is established. Ps. 89:14. 2. The law is a perfect measure of man. Man’s number is 6, and God’s standard of him is 10. cf. Re. 13:18. The law proves that man is 4 feet short of God’s ideal, and 4 is the num ber of sin and failure! Ro. 3:2, 3. 3. The law embodies the basic principles of government,— those on which Christ’s kingdom shall be estab lished. “ The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”^ th e burden of it was His future glorious reign. Matt'. 5:17; Re. 19:10. III. Power of the Law. 1. The law is man’s stern teacher. Ga. 3:24. 2. It gives the knowledge of sin. Ro. 3:20; He. 4:12. 3. 3:10; Ro. 7:9, 10. 4. It brought the whole world guilty before God. Ro. 3:19. 5. Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believ- eth. Ro. 8 :3 ,4 ; 10:14.— Clouser. .stfc as a? PREACHING HINTS The Lord convinces me more and more that we can preach the Gospel of Christ no further than we have ex perienced the power of it in our own heart.—Whitefield. Let us ask ourselves candidly whether certain tendencies have not crept into the pulpit which may ac count, to a degree surprisingly larger than some have thought, for certain trying conditions which face and per plex us today. These tendencies are three: 1. To leave unrebuked and unex posed the religious delusions of the day which are leading captive so many of the pious but unwary people of God, while the well meaning and devoted minister preaches what he chooses to
- It condemns him to death. Ga-
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