THE K I N G ’ S BUSINESS 1#91A. That date will be the farthest limit of the rule of imperfect men. At that date the kingdom of God for which our Lord taught us to pray will obtain full universal control and will be firmly established in the earth on the ruins of present institutions. V. 2, P. 77. In 1914, he whose right it is to take the dominion as earth’s new Ruler, will then be present and for a considerable period before that date. V. 2, P. 77. Some time before the end of 1914 the last member of the di vinely recognized church will be glori fied with the Head, because every mem ber is to reign with Christ and the mil lennium cannot be set up without every member. V. 2, P. 77. Prom 1914 forward, Jerusalem will no longer be trodden down of the Gentiles. V. 2, P. 78 . Before 1914 God’s king dom, organized in power, will be in the earth and then smite and crush the Gentile image and fully consume the power of kings. V. 2, P. 98. Israel, nor the world of mankind will no longer (after 1914) be oppressed and misruled by beastly Gen tile ■powers. All the world will be blessed under his rightful authority. B H 2; §1 ,98- It is expecting great thipgs to claim as we do that within the coming twenty-six years (ending 1914) all present governments will be over thrown and dissolved. * 2i P- " • 11 is an established truth that the final end of the king doms of this world and the full estab lishment of the. kingdom of God will be accomplished near the end of 1915. The whole earth will then be filled with the glory of the Lord. V. 2, P. 170. The Lord must be present and set up his kingdom . . . and dash the nations to pieces like a potter’s vessel . . . before A. D 1914 (Dan. 2:44). V. 2, P. 196. Calculate and you will ’ \ ‘ 1875> (beginning October, 1874) is the date of the beginning of the times of Restitution and the date therefore from which we may know the heavens no longer retain our Lord. t 2’ P‘ 20°- Before the end of the Jubilee, 1914, every human being may go entirely free—may get back to man’s first estate, receiving back all that was lost in Adam. V. 2, P. 234. Mt. 13:24-30. The harvest of this age began in 1874 and ends with the overthrow of Gentile power— A. D. 1914.
Bible is plainly evident from Russell’s own statement in “ The Watch Tower” (Sept. 15, 1910). He said, “ People cannot see the divine plan by study ing the Bible by itself. We find that if one lays aside the Scripture Studies, even after he has become familiar with them, if he lays them aside and ig nores them and goes to the Bible alone, our experience shows that within two years he goes into darkness. On the other hand, if he has merely read the Scripture Studies with their references, and has not read a page of the Bible as such, he would be in the light at the end of two years.” After having carefully read the books, we are now prepared to under stand this latter statement, for no one could possibly arrive at such conclu sions apart from the “ helping hand” of Mr. Russell. And a friend of ours who was an ardent Russellite, when-chal lenged to read the Bible alone for six months, testifies that after taking the challenge for two months only, his eyes were opened to the fact that he had made Russell’s writings a substi tute for the Bible and that it was a contradiction of the plain teachings of thevBible from start to finish. Russell sets up a brand new inter pretation for every doctrine of the Christian faith and when he finds a passage that obstructs his view, he ap plies the rule as laid down by himself in Vol. 2, Page 144, “ Whenever a lit eral interpretation would do violence to reason and place the passage in antag onism to plain statements, such passage should be considered figurative and its interpretation as a symbol should be sought.” It is not our purpose here to review his interpretations but we give merely Russell’s prophetical program which of itself is sufficient to discredit the whole system. P. 76. The full-end of the time of the Gentiles, the full end of their lease of dominion, will be reached A. D.
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