ments will no longer have a place. Under the new conditions the race will be required to treat each other as mem bers of one family. Landlords and rent ing agencies will find other employ ments also. The new king will not recognize as valid patents and deeds now on record. I M M A RHYME OF PURE REASON A Christian Science Proselyte Alone upon a mountain height Was pondering upon the vain Belief in non-existent Pain. How nervous,Dread of any kind Was an illusion of the Mind. When, coming down the mountainside, A dreadful lion he espied. The Proselyte said, “ Mercy Me!” And quickly scuttled up a Tree . Next morning at the rise of sun There came an Unconverted One. Who saw the Proselyte at bay, And drove the hungry beast away. The Cynic said, “ Aha! I see. Your claim has got you up a Tree.” “ Your judgment,” said the Proselyte, “ Arises from Imperfect Sight. “ If that’s the case,” the Cynic said, “ Why show these human signs of Dread? “Why pass the night, secure from harm, In yonder Elevated Palm?” “ Friend,” said the Saint, “ if you but knew! This Tree is an Illusion, too. When in a Jungle, far from Home, Where purely mental Lions roam. “ It puts one more at ease to be Up some imaginary Tree.” “ How great is Mind!” the Stranger cried, And went his way quite Eddy-fled. “ A Lion to a soul refined Is an Illusion of the Mind.”
V. 2, P. 235. A. D. 1881 marks the close of the special favor to the Gen tiles— the close of the, high calling to become joint heirs with Christ and par takers of the divine nature. V. 2, P. 273. Since 1799 antichrist is being consumed by the spirit of the Lord’s mouth (the truth). V. 2, P. 278. The civil power of earth cannot pass fully into the hands of the, true church until the close of the times of the Gentiles, 1914. V. 2, P. 3S3. The lease of power to Gentile kingdoms must terminate with the year 1914. V. 3, P. 219. The time limit of this call was reached in October, 1881. The Gospel call is ended. None can extend it. . . . God could not invite to that honor more than would complete the number He had determined, and Oc tober, 1881, His Word shows, this full number had been secured. V. 3, P. 228. That the deliverance of the saints must take place some time before 1914 is manifest. . . . The angry nations will then be authoritatively commanded to be still and made to recognize the po\yer of Jehovah’s An ointed. V. 3, P. 228. Just how long before 1914 the last living member of the body of Christ will be glorified we are not directly informed. V. 3, P. 233. The rewarding of the dead took place as soon as our Lord after His return, took unto himself His great power (1878). V. 3, P. 234. The year 1878 the setting up of the kingdom began . . . In the spring of 1878 all the apostles and overcomers of the Gospel age who slept' in Jesus were raised spirit be ings like unto their Lord. . . . Their resurrection is now an accomplished fact, and hence they, as well as the Lord, are present in the earth. The fact that we do not see them is no obstacle. V. 4, P. 616. Full establishment of the true Messianic kingdom upon the ruins of present kingdoms will end in October, 1914. V. 4, P. 625. The beginning of the earthly phase of the kingdom in 1914 will consist wholly of the resurrected holy ones from John back to Abel. V. 4, P. 633. The banking and brok erage business and other like employ
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