NOVEMBER 7, 1920 PRINCIPLES OF CHRISTIAN LIVING Golden Text: “ Seek ye first his kingdom, and his- righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Mat. 6:33. EESSON TEXT Mat. 6:19-34. (Read Mat. 6:1-7: 12; Rom. 12:9-21.)
reap, nor gather into b arn s; yet you r heavenly Father feedeth them . A re ye not m uch better than th ey? (27) W h ich of you b y tak in g thought (bein g anxious) can add one cu bit unto his stature? (28) A nd w h y take ye th ou gh t for raim ent? C onsider the lilies of the field, how they grow ; they toil not, neither do they spin: (29) A n d yet I- say unto you , T h a t.ev en Solom on in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. (30) W herefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, w hich to day is, and to m orrow is cast into the oven , shall he. n ot m uch m ore clothe you , 0 ye of little faith? (31) T herefore take no thought saying, W h at shall we eat? or, W h at shall w e drink? or, W h ere w ithal shall w e be cloth ed? for you r heavenly F ather know eth. that ye have need of all these things. (33)s B ut «e e k ye first the kingdom o f God, and his righ teou sn ess; and all these things shall be. added unto you . (34) T ake therefore no thought for the m orrow : for the m o r row shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. We cannot lay up treasures unless we possess them, and we cannot possess them unless we earn them. ' Every believer should be a million aire. He should be LESSON taught, as soon as he is EXPOSITION saved, to begin to store T. O. Horton up treasure in heaven. He should, keep piling up wealth in heaven while he lives on the earth. There ought to be no poor people in heaven, but there will be, for
(19) Lay not up for you rselves treas ures upon earth, w here m oth and rust doth' corrupt, and where thieves break throu gh and steal: (20) B ut lay up for you rselves treasures in heaven, where neither m oth nor rust doth corrupt, and w here thieves do n ot break th rou gh nor steal: (21) F or w here you r treasure is,- there w ill you r heart be also (22) The ligh t of the body is the e ye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy w hole body shall be full o f light. \ (23) B ut if thine eye be evil, thy w hole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the ligh t that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! (24) N o m am can serve tw o m asters: for either he w ill hate the one, and love the o th er; or else he w ill hold to the o n e / and despise the other. Y e cannot serve G od and m amm on. (25) T herefore I say unto, you , T ake no thought, for you r life, w hat ye shall eat, or w nat ye shall d rink; nor yet for you r body, w hat ye shall put on. Is not the life m ore than m eat,, and the body than raim ent? (26) B ehold the fow ls o f the air: for they sow not, neither do they Outline (1) THE TRUE TREASURE, vs. 19- 23. (2) THE TWO MASTERS, v. 24. (3) THE TRANQUIL TRUST, vs. 25- 34. (1) THE TRUE TREASURE,, vs. 19- 23. “ Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven.” Here is a command to accumulate.
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