1052 some will be saved as by fire; all their possessions will be burned, and they will enter heaven by the “ skin of their teeth.” ( l Cor. 3:15). Others will have an abundant entrance (2‘ Pet 1 : 11 ) . Earthly possessions have within them the element of self-destruction. Noth ing is enduring which is earthly. There is one way to be rich toward God; one way to bank treasures in heaven; one way given to every believer and com manded by the Lord, “ Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” (John 4:35, 36; 15:J.6; Prov. 11:30). Enrich heaven with souls born through your service. Wisely invest your means so that they will produce the largest possible results for the Lord. There are four terms which represent the insecurity of earthly things: 1. Decay: In the Orient much of a person’s wealth was invested in rich and costly .clothing. When it was not in use it was laid away and the moths speedily put the death mark upon it. Remember what Jesus said to the rich young man (Luke 19:24): int!?0rt»h? dl J S r a fls S j that have riches enter mt® t*»e kingdom of God!” 1 r Oh, that he had but obeyed the voice of the Lord! Listen again to the Lord’s word: (Luke 19:22) “ Yet thou one thing; sell all that thou shalr ^tribute unto the poor, and thou low me.”Ve treasure ,n heaven; and, come, fol- 2. Depredation: If the moth and rust do not bring decay, there are thieves to invade the home, and finan cial pirates to spoil and plunder one’s property, and the elements to combine and rob one of their earthly accumu lations,— the tornado, the lightning, the blight of the sun, tidal waves, pests,__ all have their sway. The earth shakes, the fires rage, ships sink in the sea, the hopes and labors of years vanish in a day. 3. Disease touches the body, it wastes and Withers. The limbs ’ are paralyzed, memory fails, the mind gives
THE K I N G ’ S BUSINESS way, there is no more ability to labor or to lay up treasures in heaven. 4. Death comes and finally robs us of our loved ones, and if our hearts are set upon any or all of these earthly things, then, woe betide us! There is insecurity so far as Satan is concerned and insufficiency so far as wealth Is concerned. Job sa y s: “ If I have m ade gold m y hope or H T h , a,d t0 fi.ne S ?ld> T h° “ a ft m y fo n fiiu n c " If 4 have rejoiced because m y w ealth is ereat. and because m ine hand had gotten m uch *S * » iu d v e 1Sf0orWf ! h a n l1J,1Su ity i ° be Punished by the a b o fl’» ° ( j ' bS3if24d 28)aVe dCn,ed the God that “ (Prov. 11:4) • , “ R iches profit n ot in th e day o f w rath- hut righteousn ess delivereth from death.” ’ Not what you have counts, but what you use for God’s glory. The Soul’s Object: There must be some paramount object in life. The eye is a lamp, not the light. The Word of God is the light. The eye has the capability of receiving the light. The eye stands for the purpose in life. An evil eye is a diseased eye, dark ening the soul. The evil eye sees double and is not able to distinguish between truth and error. (Prov. 23 '6 - Eph. 6:4-8). A single eye hath a perfectly un clouded vision. If the object of the heart is Christ Jesus, the will wholly surrendered to Him, the whole body will be full of light. If the heart is fixed upon Christ, the treasure will fol low the heart and will be rafely housed in heaven. (2) THE TWO MASTERS, v. 24. “ Ye cannot serve God and Mam mon.”
There is in this verse a further de velopment of the theme which we have been considering. “ Mammon” stands for the personification of that in which men put their trust, such as worldly possessions, pleasures, earthly ‘honors, etc., all-of which belong to the earth, and the earth belongs to Satan. Our Lord is imperial. He will not stand for divided honors. He liketh not half-hearted service. He demands
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