King's Business - 1920-11

10S7 were a great many people taking this journey, just like a great big army, and it took lots and lots of food for them to eat. Do you think the heav­ enly Father would send them food? What would you say if I told you He did send it, right out of the sky? When these people started on their long jour­ ney, it was not long before the food they had brought with them was all gone— not a piece of bread, nor any flour to make more, and the people were getting hungry, but they forgot how the heavenly Father had taken care of them, and had given them water when they were thirsty. Some of the people murmured and grumbled and said God did not care for them. God the heavenly Father did care, and when He heard the people, He said He would rain bread out of heaven for them. So after all the people had gone to bed that very night, while they were all asleep, the heavenly Father rained down out of heaven something small and round and white, and when they awak­ ened in the morning the ground was covered with it. They gathered this, ground it into flour, and made little cakes out of it. O my, hut it tasted so good, like honey and wafers. (Ex. 16:31.) Never once through all the long journey did the heavenly Father forget to send this food to them. Now we never saw the heavenly Father send ' any food down this way, but this morning at the breakfast table we bowed our heads and thanked our heavenly Father for the food. Now if God sent the food, He must have some other way of sending it besides raining it down. Can you think of any other way He could send it? Yes; He could make food grow in the ground, and some of us who have not seen it grow­ ing, have seen it in the market, or on , the table ready to eat. Are you sure that the heavenly . Father is the One who made these things grow? Can’t the farmer do it alone? Here in my hand are some little kernels of wheat,

THE KI NG ' S BUSINESS at that time, not even buds, and Clara has helped mother take care of the flowers, but boys and girls, was it Clara or her mother’s work with the plants that made the beautiful blossoms? No, it was God’s care in sending the warm sunshine and rain that' made them grow and He put the pretty, bright colors in them. Did you ever watch the birds and hear them sing, and perhaps some of you have watched them build their nests in a tree? Who takes care of the birds? Yes, God our heavenly Father. Let us .how our heads while we say thank you to God for His lov­ ing watch and care over us. Lesson Story.— In our story today Jesus was with His disciples and a number of other people upon the moun­ tain side where they could watch the birds as they flew from tree to tree and see the flowers growing. Jesus spoke to the people about the birds and how happy they were, not thinking about how they were to be fed or clothed, because God our heavenly Father cared for them. Then Jesus told the people of how mucjh more value they were to God than the birds and how they should just trust God their heavenly Father to care for them, for if we trust Him He* will never fail us. Now we will all stand up and play we are little birds and raise our arms and make them go like wings and pre­ tend we are flying. Now we are fly­ ing over the mountain tops seeing so many beautiful flowers and trees that God our heavenly Father has placed here to make the world beautiful. We have had a lovely little trip as birdies, and now we will take our seats and be little boys and girls again, and if you will be real quiet and listen I will tell you a true story about some of God’s people who took a long journey, and of course they could not raise things that grow in the ground to eat for they were travelling all the time, and there was not a single store to which they could go to buy anything. There

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