King's Business - 1920-11


THE K I N G ’ S BUSINESS ers, rain, sun, air, snow. Close with showing picture of harvest. Memory verse.) Closing Prayer.— Our dear Father in heaven, we thank Thee for Thy loving watch and care over us. lié

and if these kernels could talk, they could tell how they grew. Because they can’t shall I tell it for them? The food that grows is just as truly God’s gift as the food He rained down from heaven. (Picture to children the plowing, planting, work of God’s help­


Golden Text: “ And Jesus went about all the cities and the villages, teach­ ing in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of disease and all manner of sickness.” Mat. 9:35. LESSON TEXT Mat. 8:5-13; 9:35-38. (Read Mat. 8 and 9; Heb. 1:1-9.)

(5) A nd w hen Jesus was entered into Capernaum , there cam e unto him a ce n ­ turion, beseeching him , (6) A nd saying, Lord, m y servant lieth at hom e sick of the palsy, grievou sly torm ented. (7) A nd Jesus saith unto him , I w ill com e and heal him . (8) T he cen tu rion answ ered and said, L ord, I am not w orthy that thou shouldest com e under m y ro o f: but speak the w ord only, and m y servant shall be healed. (9) F or I am a man under authority, havin g soldiers under m e; and I say to this m an, Go, and he g oeth ; and to another, Com e, and he com eth ; and to m y servant, D o this, ail'd he doeth it. (10) W hen Jesus heard it, he m arvelled, and said to them that fo l­ low ed, V erily I saj[ unto you , I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel. (11) A nd I say unto you , T hat m any shall com e from the east and w est, and shall sit dow n w ith A braham and Isaac, (1) SATISFYING FAITH, 8:5-13. (2) SPIRITUAL VISION, 9:35, 36. (3) SOLEMN ADMONITION, 9:37, 38. (1) SATISFYING FAITH, vs. 8:5-13. “ I have not found so great faith.” There is a marked contrast between this lesson and the one contained in the first four verses of this same chapter. Read them. Jesus had gone up LESSON into the mountain to EXPOSITION deliver a discourse, and T. C. Horton had come down to de­ liver the distressed. He

and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven: (12) But the children o f the kingdpm shall be cast ou t into the outer dark r.tss: there shall be w eeping and gn ash­ in g of teeth. (13) A nd Jesus said unto the centurion, Go thy_ w a y ; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee. A nd his servant was healed in the self­ sam e hour. ^ (9:35) A nd Jesus w ent about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues ,and preaching the g o s ­ pel of the kingdom , and healing every sickness and every disease am on g the people. (36) B ut w hen he saw the m u lti­ tudes, he was m oved w ith com passion on them , because they fainted and were scattered abroad as sheep, havin g no shepherd. (37) T hen saith he unto his disciples, T he harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few. (38) Pray ye therefore the L ord o f the harvest, that he w ill send forth laborers into his harvest. put His sermon into action,— not a bad thing for teachers and preachers to do. In the case of the leper we have faltering faith; “ If thou wilt.” He had faith in Christ’s ability to heal, but not in the advisability. It was not could He, but would He? In the passage given for our con­ sideration there is a different aspect of faith. The centurion had faith in the Deity of Christ, manifested in so many instances, (Luke 4:35, 36-39; Mark 4:39). And he was right. The Lord was omnipotent; His Word powerful (Psa. 33:9, 10-20; 107:20). We do

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