THE K I N G ’ S BUSINESS J mercy to the persecuted multi tude. (7) The condition of the masses moved the man Christ Jesus with compassion. (8) The condemnation of the faith less Jews was the commendation of the faithful Gentiles. Subject Illustration. Power belongeth unto God. Jesus is God manifest in the flesh, therefore He has power. A million tons of water pass over Niagara Falls every hour. Could m a n stop LESSON that mighty tor- ILLUSTRATIONS rent? Impossible. W. H, Pike Yet God did it. One w i n t e r He froze those raging waters into solid ice. When the Fourth Bridge was being built the workmen came to a crucial point, when two of the most important iron girders refused by some inches to come t gether for the bolts to be driven through— a process which was absolute ly essential to their union and the sta bility of the whole fabric. Every me chanical method to bring them to gether was tried, but to no purpose, and finally in despair all further efforts were abandoned for the night. It was summer weather. The following morn ing the sun was very hot, the great mass of metal expanded beneath the genial rays, •and the results were achieved by the silent touch of the sun which had defled the utmost efforts of men. The Potver of a Free Will. The sea cannot roll up the moun tain, however furious its rage may be come; it must lie in its own bed. Nei ther can the sun, stars, nor comets, have power in themselves to sweep an inch out of their orbits. The mightiest animal of land or sea has no power to act contrary to the strong law of in-
Now He bids them pray, as He did also before sending them forth. (Luke 10 : 2 ). The door to wisdom and work is prayer. All problems of the believer are solved by prayer. If the church would pray, Christ would perform. Schools and colleges, gifts of money, men and women pledged to go,^are all essential, but the most important thing of all is prayer, for all other things are compassed the moment prayer begins. Prayer enables God to open eyes that see not (Eph. 1:18). Prayer prepares the heart to respond to God’s call to'service (Acts 13:1-4). Prayer moves the soul in compassion to open the purse (2 Cor. 9:1, 2). Prayer prepares the hearts of men and women for the message (Acts 10:4-6). It is impossible to make a genuine prayer for the spread of the Gospel without putting ourselves at the Lord’s dis posal for the answer of the prayer. (2 Cor. 8:5). “ And this they did, not as we hoped, hut first gave their own selves to the Lord, and unto us by the will of God." When we make a real prayer that the Gospel may be given to Africa (for in stance). we will mean that all that we have and are, are at God’s command for that work. So He said, “ Pray ye the Lord of the harvest,” and they did. PRACTICAL POINTS (1) The more wonderful we esteem the Lord Jesus to be, the more humble will we ourselves be. (2) The greatest sign of worth is the sense of worthlessness. (3) The ground of great faith is heart fellowship with the person and power of the Lord Jesus Christ. (4) Let the touch of your hand show the tenderness of your heart. (5) We neéd spiritual sight in order to see the sin-sick, sorrowing, stricken world— suffering in both soul and body. (6) We need Spirit-fllled souls if we are to minister as messengers of
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