1064 asked them why they were thinking such things in their hearts? “ Is it not as easy for Me to forgive this man his sins, as it is to cure his body?” But to show them that He had power to forgive sins, He told them He would make the man’s hody well. Then Jesus said to the sick man, “ Stand up on thy feet, and take up thy hed and go to thy house.” Right away the sick man rose, stood on his feet, took up his bed or mattress, and went out before them all. All the people who saw it were greatly sur prised, and said, they had never seen such things before. You see the sick man was entirely healed at once. Jesus had a right to tell him his sins were forgiven, because He was Jesus, the Son of God and had power to forgive sins. You see this man had a dirty, or black heart caused by sin, and Jesus was the only one who could take away
THE KI NG ' S BUSINESS his sins and make his heart clean again. Of course He had power to heal his hody and make him, well again. You remember we had a story not long ago telling us that only those with a pure, clean heart could see Jesus. Now, hoys and girls I know you all want to see Jesus, and we will if our hearts are clean, and we know there is just one way to have clean hearts, and that is to ask Jesus to make them clean. Our memory verse only has four words, so each one of us can remember it. Lis ten and I will say it to you. “ Forgive us our sins.” Of course we do not want to say it unless we really mean it, and do want Jesus to forgive our sins and make our hearts clean. Closing Prayer. Dear Lord Jesus we ask thee to forgive our sins and make our hearts clean and pure so we can live with thee in heaven.
Golden Text: “ Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest indeed is plenteous, but the laborers are few. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he send forth laborers into his harvest.“ Mat. 9:37, 38.
LESSON TEXT Mat. 10:5-8; 29-31; 37-42. (Read Mat. 10; Isa. 40: 1-11.)
m ore than m e is n ot w orth y of m e. (38) A nd he that taketh n ot his cross, and follow eth after m e, is n ot w orth y o f me. H e that1findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for m y sake shall find it. (40) H e that receiveth yo u re ceiveth m e, and he that receiveth m e re ceiveth him that sent_ m e. (41) H e that receiveth a prophet i$ the nam e o f a prophet shall receive a prophet’ s rew ard; and he that receiveth a righteous m an in the nam e o f a righteous m an shall receive a righteous m an’s rew ard. (42) A nd w h o soever #shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup o f cold w ater only, in the nam e o f a disciple, 'verily I say unto you , he shall in no w ise lose his re ward.
(5) T hese tw elve Jesus sent forth , and com m anded them , saying, Go not into the w ay o f the G entiles, and into any city o f the Sam aritans: (6) B ut go rather to the lost sheep o f the house of Israel. ^ (7) And, as ye go, preach, saying, T he K in g dom o f heaven is at hand. §(8) H eal the sick, cleanse ^the lepers, raise th e dead, cast ou t d evils: freely ye have received, freely give. . . . (29) A re n ot tw o spar row s sold for a farthing? and one of them shall n ot fall on the ground w ithout you r Father. (30) B ut the very hairs o f you r head are all num bered. (31) Fear ye not therefore, ye are o f m ore value than m any sparrow s. . . . (37) H e that loveth father or m oth er m ore than m e is n ot w orth y o f m e; and he that loveth son or daughter
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