would be alienated from His enemies. (3) SWEETS OF REWARD, vs. 40- 42. “ He shall in no wise lose his re ward.” The Master would keep account- of their service, and rewards would be rendered for faithfulness. The person ality of the messenger was so identified with that of the Master Himself, that receiving or rejecting them was equiv alent to receiving or rejecting Him. This truth is tremendous if properly assimilated, and should solemnize many hearts (2 Cor. 5:20). “ Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us; we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.” (Gal. 4:14.) “ And my temptation which was in my flesh ye despised not, nor rejected; but received me as an angel of God, even as Christ Jesus.” PRACTICAL POINTS (1) Prayer will provide both men and means for the world-wide har vest. (2) Whom the -Lord sends forth, his needs He supplies. (3) He graciously gives good gifts to His servants, and commands them to bestow, with bounteous hands, blessings upon others. (4) When your hands are laid upon a sick man’s head in prayer for healing, you must not lay hands on his pocket-book for pay. (5) There are many lost sheep be cause there are many loose shep- * herds. (6) Rewards in Heaven are regulated by the results of service, on earth. (7) If Heaven’s books record you as faithful, Heaven’s Paymaster will pay you in full. - Ms? Subject Hlustration. “ Ready for Service.” There are four “ readys” in Paul’s life. Acts 21:13. “ I ^m ready to be bound” — The Ready of Suffering.
themselves, but depend upon the peo ple. (Luke 10:7). Afterwards when they were sent among the Gentiles they were commanded to provide for them selves (Luke 22:35, 86). Invitations and warning were to go hand in hand. If they were received, the blessing of the Lord was to come on the house, and if rejected, barrenness followed. Responsibility would attend their mis sion, and the Day of Judgment would reveal the character of the people who accepted or rejected the message. There was to be no charge for heal ing the sick. It was a spiritual opera tion. The thought of accepting remun eration for healing in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ is abhorrent (Acts 8:18-23). So the Christian Science healers, and all those who charge for the laying on of hands for the healing of the sick, or for handkerchiefs, or who engage in any other form of money getting or money making in connection with divine healing, must be obnoxious to our Lord. Suffering for Christ, (Acts 16:23). “ And when they had laid many stripes upon them, they cast them into prison, charging the jailer to keep them safely.” , , . . Suffering and persecution and hatred awaited them, and will await their brethren who carry out their commis sion in another age. And suffering and persecution are a part of the Lord’s plan for all of His faithful servants in every age. If we suffer with Him, we shall also reign with Him (2 Tim. 2:12). Security, (Acts 16:24-33). The disciples were dear to the Mas ter, therefore they would be preserved to the end. Prisons may confront them; difficulties and trials may await them; but the eyes of the Lord are ever upon them, and His promise can never fail. The Sword that Severs, (Acts 16:34- 39). There would be divisions, in families and between friends. The message would be a separating one, and the messengers (if allied to the Master)
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