King's Business - 1920-11



Rom. 1:15 “ I am

Workers With Endurance. A Christian who had been working faithfully in Mission and on the street, doing personal work at every opportun­ ity,- was somewhajt persecuted. One night at one of his meetings he had several sticks and stones on the front of the platform. As he opened his talks he said, “ Friends, these are the hard arguments that my opponents put up to me. These and these only aré all the arguments that my opponents can bring.” Golden Text Illustration. A returned, missionary once asked, “How many missionaries have you on your station?” “ Three thousand,” was the reply. “ I did not ask how many converts, but how many missionaries.” “ I quite understood you,” said the re­ turned missionary, “ and again. I reply three thousand; for all our converts are missionaries.” This reminds one of the great Church of Christ Mission at Bolenge on the Congo, Africa, in con­ nection with the work of which every ten members support a missionary, so that a short time ago it was reported that a church of 600 members supported 60 missionaries. The Korean Christians expect when they receive Christ to be His witnesses wherever He may send them. They have already established churches in Mongolia, Russia, China, besides evan­ gelizing their own people in the past thirty years. v. 5. These twelve Jesus sent forth. There was great diversity among them i n temperament, COMMENTS FROM previous hist o r y MANY SOURCES and native ability. Keith L. Brooks They are an im­ pressive illustra­ tion of the different types of men Jesus can use for His work.— Torrey. Laymen, unconnected with the priest­ hood, unlearned men, unconnected with the traditional philosophy, plain men,

LESSON ready to preach.” ILLUSTRATIONS — The R e a d y of W .. Pike Service. 2 Cor. 12:14 “ The third time I am ready to come.”—The Ready of a Second Service. 2 Tim. 4:6 “ I am ready to be offered.”—-The Ready of Sacrifice. Unworthy to Serve. “ Once there was a briar growing in a ditch and there came along a gardener with his spade. As he dug around the briar he lifted it out and the briar said to itself, ‘What is he going that for? Doesn’t he know that I am only an old worthless briar?' But he took it into the garden and planted it with his flow­ ers, while, the briar said: ‘What a mistake he has made, planting an old briar like myself among such rose trees as these.’ The gardener came once more with his knife, made a slip in the briar and budded it with a rose. Then he pruned it. When summer came lovely roses were blooming on -that briar. Then the gardener said, ‘Your service and beauty is not due to that which came out, but to that which I put into you.’ ” How to Work. “With thy might.” Some one asked a famous musician, “What is your fa­ vorite composition?” The answer was, “Whatever I am playing.” So it should ever be. “ Whatsoever the hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might.” Dummy Christians. At a meeting in the city of Nanking, a Chinaman rose and began to cry for mercy with groans and tears. When at length he found utterance, he prayed. “ O, God, forgive me; I have been a dummy Christian. When I was con­ verted the devil came to me and said, ‘There are preachers to do the preach­ ing; you need not bother about it.’ I listened to the devil’s lie and all these years have been a dummy Christian, liv­ ing in ease while souls have been lost.”

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