King's Business - 1920-11


THE K I NG ' S BUSINESS for Romans 1 :21 says that the heathen when they knew God, glorified TTim not as God, neither were thankful, and thus they became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened. Where are the nine?” How wistfully Jesus watched them go away. How often those prove most grateful to Him from whom it would be least expected. The Samaritan returns to praise Him. Nine Jews, professors of religion, forget it. Shall we as Christians be put to shame by any who are governed by mere natural religion? Saved eternally, complete in Christ, kept and blessed forever, should not the Christian celebrate Thanksgiving Day at least three hundred and sixty-five times a year? —K. L. B. THE POSING of tke Pope The camera has reached the climax. It has looked into the faces of kings and queens, presidents and politicians. It has caught the smile of the brook and lake and faced the rugged rocks of the mountain peak. It has poked its nose into hidden recesses and brought to light gruesome pictures of the dead and dying. But the end has been reached. The “ prisoner of the Vatican” has fallen for the films. We must confess that we never had a very high regard for these old gentlemen, the victims of an ecclesiastical-political game, more dangerous to the life of nations than all of the other systems combined, but there was something of suggestive reverence about them, when their assumed pre­ eminence was manifested by their condescension in permitting the humbled dignitaries of national repute to kiss the great toe. But, alas, those good old days are gone. A new age has dawned and the reckless, happy-go-lucky callers want to shake hands with His Eminence and josh him a b it! And he says, “ Let the Americans have what they want.” So he gets down from his high horse, wreathes his face in a smile, shakes hands with the leaders, and the Pope is on the film. Now, do not imagine for a moment that this picture was merely an incident in the life of the Pope. It is a part of a big game staged before­ hand. There is money in it. There always is when the Pope plays. Listen and you will hear the rattle of the “ Peter’s pence.” Every loyal Roman Catholic in all the world will want to see that picture, and thousands of silly Protestants will put up the price for a glance at his so-called “ Holiness,” who has come down from his presumed eminence, and has ceased to be “ His Eminence” but instead a mere figure on a film. Surely, this is a progressive age. We are “ movieing” along at a rapid rate, and the whole world is going hand in hand in the dance with the devil. The night darkens. Thank God if you are a child of the day- —T. C. H. ¿Wi. .$!£. m m A NEW Thought Conference It was duly announced and duly convened. We sent our religious reporter to take notes. He was present at the opening session. It was a woman’s conference. Three men braved the breeze and sat on the back seats. These men were in the yellow leaf age. One man inquired “ Why

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