King's Business - 1920-11


THE K I N G ’ S BUSINESS Sitting around the table of a Can­ adian home a Christian unfolded the Gospel of God to three interested listen­ ers, and finished by quoting two or three times over Romans 5:6: ^‘Christ died for the ungodly.” At night, before re­ tiring, one of the number said, “ I’m saved!” “ When did it take place?” “ At the dinner table, when you quoted Romans 5:6. I believed and I, am saved.” An Indian Saved. “ I’ll give him my blanket,” thought the awakened Indian, anxious for the peace of Christ. But he looked at the blanket and felt that it was good for nothing. “ He may have my gun,” he said, making a still greater effort of sacrifice. But no, that would not do. At last he cried, “ Here’s poor Indian, take me.” When the sinner receives Christ, Christ receives the sinner. When the Christian gives himself to Christ, Christ gives Himself “to the Christian. Golden Text Illustration. In a factory one of the foremen was brought under deep conviction. His employer, an earnest Christian man, wrote him a note, asking him to come to the office. He obeyed the summons, but upon entering the room was met with the question, “ Do you wish to see me, James?” Greatly surprised, the foreman held up the note saying, “ The letter! You sent for me, sir.” “ Oh,” said the employer, “ you believed' that I wanted to see you, so when I sent you the message you came at once?” “ Cer­ tainly, sir,” answered the man. “ Well, my man, here is another letter, sending for you, by One equally in earnest,” said his. employer, holding up a slip of paper with some writing on it. The foreman took the paper and read slowly, “ Come „unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” The words came home to him with new meaning— his lips quivered, the tears ran down his cheeks. He

stood there, overcome for a few min­ utes, then he said brokenly, “ Am I just to believe that in the same way I be­ lieved your letter?" “ Just the same way,’! replied the master, “ for, if we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater.” After Mark Guy Pearse had finished preaching, a man asked him, “ Do you know why His yoke is light, sir?” “Well, I suppose, because the good Lord helps us to carry it.” “No, sir,” he exclaimed, shaking his head. “ I think I know better than that. You see, when I was a boy at home I used to drive oxen, and the yoke was never made to balance, as you said. Father’s yokes were always made heavier on the one side than the other. Then, you see, we would put a weak bullock in along­ side of a strong bullock, the light end would come on the weak ox, the heav­ ier end on the stronger one. That’s why the yoke is easy and the burden light, because the Lord’s yoke is made after the same pattern, and the heavy end is upon His shoulder.” v. 2. John sent his disciples. If those who today doubt that Jesus is the Messiah and COMMENTS PROM Son of God, would MANY SOURCES go right to Him Keith L. Brooks and ask Him, He would soon show them.—Torrey. v. 3. Art thou he that should come? When John came to reflect in prison on all that the prophets had spoken of the Messiah’s glory, it is possible that he began to wonder whether Jesus Him­ self would both suffer and reveal Him­ self in the glorious kingdom. We do not look for the coming of another Christ but the Christ who suffered will come in another form. {Acts 1:11). He will come in power and majesty to complete the work which , He com­ menced in weakness, and shame.—Dale. They had stumbled at His works just

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