BETWEEN THE TWO------- ? ? am I not on the program?” He was informed that he was not, and that was all there was to it. How could there be anything more? We confess that we have been a little shy on the New Thought stunt. We have so many new cults to look after that we have neglected this, rather waiting for it to get ripe. But let us have the reporter’s report: “ The leader was trained for the performance. The audience evidenced the usual sign of paint and powder, and there was the odor of perfume. The con vention was dedicated to ‘knowledge, love and truth.’ We looked for ‘Mrs.’ or ‘Miss’ Knowledge, but did not find her. Love was there, manifested in every attitude of the throng— self-love. As for truth,—well, listen to some of the rich and rare specimens of rhetoric, and you will he able to decide for yourself. The leader announced that the speakers would ‘pour out their life-blood in their addresses. These addresses will go through your divine body, and on to others.’ (The reporter says he got some.) ‘God is in every one of you, and we will smile. No matter what happens— (pause)— . We will now enter into the silence, and smile way down in our systems. Does your heart smile? Does your stomach smile? Does your liver smile? Your smile will kill all your ills. Your feet will smile. Your eyes will smile. Your ears will smile. Your hands will smile. AH must smile. Give us an example of it now. (The leader grinned). You will hear no talk from this platform about the world being wrong. Sin and sickness are unrealities. (She had just said that smiles would cure all ills!) Animals do not smile. We are divine. So smile. Smile and the world will smile with you. A smile is God’s laugh. Be quiet now. Enter into the quiet state and then smile. Infinite All forgives divine man—smile.’ (Silence for one minute). “ Then the leader talked with her eyes shut, while all sat still and stared at her. “ ‘New Thought is sunshine. Your inside is not your body. Our thinking is simply God thinking. We will now go into the silence.’ ’’ Nine speakers were present, representing many states and towns. It was announced that the New Thought Alliance was to work in the colleges and universities, Y. M. C. A .’s, Y. W. C. A .’s, schools and everywhere. That they would sell New Thought books, have New Thought ministers, doctors and nurses. It certainly is wonderful. Almost as unintelligible as Christian Science. It is a great age this New Era. "Why not call it “ The Brainless Age”
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