King's Business - 1920-11


THE KI NG ' S BUSINESS Jesus went about doing good. One Sun­ day when Jesus was in church He saw a man who could not use his arm be­ cause the arm was paralyzed. Jesus told this man to stretch out his arm. Now what dor you think the man did? Do you suppose he told Jesus he could not use his arm or do you think he did just what Jesus told him to do? Yes, indeed, he just raised it right up as quickly as he could, and when he held it up, the lame arm was well just like his other well arm. I just believe he must have clapped his hands together for joy, don’t you? Now- Jesus wants us to grow like Him, and we will grow like Him, if we do the things He wants us to do. We remember the story of the little boy Rudolph who pleased the earthly king because he loved the king and did ev­ erything the king asked him to do and he did it just the very best he could. You are just boys and girls and can not do as much as grown up folks, but you can do your part, and listen, boys and girls, do your best, for you know if we are careless, and half do our work now we will grow up to be careless men and women. Our memory verse says Jesus went about doing good. We want to be like Him so we must do good. " Closing Prayer.—Dear Lord Jesus we thank thee for thy love and kindness to us all, and help us to go about do­ ing good. IT LIVES See what vitality the Gospel has! Plunge her under the wave, and she rises the purer from her washing; thrust her in the fire, and she comes out the more bright for her burning; cut her in sunder, and each piece shall make another church, behead her, like the hydra of old, she shall have a hun­ dred heads for every one you cut away. She cannot die, she must live; for she has the power of God within her.— Spur­ geon.

Lesson Story.— How many of you ca.i tell me the story we heard last week about Jesus sending out lTelpers. (Re­ view last week’s lesson by letting the boys and girls tell it, aiding them by Questions.) Jesus went about from one town or city to another, and even though his life was a very busy one; he always was ready to help people when ever there was a chance. His whole life here on earth was spent in going about doing good to all He met and He invited all to come to Him and get the help they needed, and He sent forth his disciples to do good also. What do you think Jesus did when He found any blind people? Yes, He made the blind eyes well so they could see, and O my, how happy it would' make these poor blind people, some of them hav­ ing never seen in all their lives, to see the friends and the flowers and birds and all the beautiful things God had made. Then in some of the places He found lame people who could nqt walk, and He made their feet and limbs well and strong so they could walk, or run, or jump just like other people. Some­ times He found deaf people who could not hear at all, and Jesus healed their ears so they could hear just as well as you can hear. And do you know some­ times people sent for Jesus to come to their homes where one of the members of the family was dead, and do you think Jesus could do anything for them? Yes, indeed He could. He made them alive again and O what rejoicing there would be, all the tears would be quickly turned into smiles and happiness. Jesus just loved to do all these kind deeds for He ldved everybody, and it made Him sorry to see any one in trouble of any kind or suffering; Jesus loves to help those who come to Him with their burdens. Now boys and girls who can come to Jesus? Dwell on Matt. 11:28 and explain the verse so the boys and girls will grasp the won­ derful, sweet truth taught therein.

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