THE K I N G ’ S BUSINESS crease vitality. Life above the common is what we need. Instead of solving the problems of a church piecemeal, everything will become automatically adjusted by deepening its spirituality. Instead of trying to increase church attendance, to raise money, to discip line back-sliders, to accomplish a thousand and one details of church work, have a revival and in the heaven ly atmosphere of a work of grace, all lesser things shall be added unto you. Instead of an individual believer trying to bring each detail of conduct into conformity with the law of God, let him be filled with the Spirit and vic tory is assured. MONDAY, Nov. 8. Matt. 8:5-13. The Centurion’s Faith. Jesus began His ministry by urging men to believe and in the upper room on the last night of His earthly life, He is pleading with them to believe. “ Believe in God and believe in me.” There was no question that He ever asked with so much earnestness and with such frequency as “ Do you be lieve?” Nothing ever pleased Him so much as faith. He crowned a Roman officer with the eulogy, “ I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.” He declared that faith made His mighty works possible. Faith gave Him an opportunity to do wonderful things. In a certain locality it was said that He could do no mighty work because of their 'unbelief. If faith was the first thing he looked for when He was here upon the earth, it seems also to be the first thing that He seeks when He comes to this earth the second time. “ When the Son of Man cometh, shall he find faith upon the earth?” TUESDAY, Nov. 9. Matt. 9 :18 , 19, 23-26. The Ruler’s Faith. All the New Testament writers fol low the example of Jesus in placing faith at the beginning of the Christian life. Paul takes the Old Testament statement, “ The just shall live by faith,” and makes it the key-note of his interpretation of Christianity. Peter makes faith the foundation stone on which the whole temple of Christian character is built. “ Add to your faith, virtue and to virtue, knowledge.” At the end of his Gospel John declares that he has written it simply that men might believe. The writer of the Epis tle to the Hebrews declares that every thing of any consequence that had ever
1080 in secret and not to be seen of man. He also told us to pray in fellowship one with another. The Christian church was horn as the result of a prayer meet ing which a hundred and twenty believ ers held for ten days. Penteco'st was the fruit of united, accordant and per sistent praying. The Christian warrant for prayer is found in the name of Je sus. The name is the' expression of the person. “The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous runneth in to it and is safe.” When believers as semble they enter into this name as into a fortress. His name becomes their point of union and the living Lord Him self is in their midst. This brings joy to the Father’s heart and He delights to answer prayer. As a rule people are more prone to argue together than to pray together. More prayer would make for less argument and enable us to reach our spiritual objective more easily and quickly. SATURDAY, Nov. 6. Ex. 1 6 :4 -5 ; 14-18. If a man thinks without working he is as foolish as one who eats without exercising. Eating is essential but a man who does nothing but eat will soon lose the power to eat at all. If a man does nothing but think and refuses to work, his mind will become diseased and his heart atrophied. Food is a means to an end and so is thought. Spiritual food properly received pro duces spiritual strength and spiritual strength is conserved and increased by spiritual exercise. Christians may be weak from lack Of food or from lack of exercise. They may not eat from lack of appetite and they may not work for lack of opportunity. There is a satisfaction in eating and working that testifies to- health. “ Thy Words were found and I did eat them.” The rest of the laboring man is sweet. Spiritual nostrums are of little avail. Most of the problems of the Christian life yield to the solvent of diet and work. SUNDAY, Nov. 7. Rom. 12:9-21. Life Victorious. The Saviour declared that He came not only that men might have life but that they might have it more abundant ly. A literal translation is “ above the common.” Efficiency is a matter of vitality. If life is below the average, there is little power to do work or to resist disease. If there is an ex cess of vital energy, germs- can not in cubate and work is without weariness. The great need in any case is to in-
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