King's Business - 1920-11



ing that is written, “ Death is swal­ lowed up in victory.”

been done in Hebrew history was done by men of faith who were able to do it because of their -faith. Failure and defeat come when faith breaks down. There is no limit to the powers of en­ durance and achievement where faith takes hold of God. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 10. Mark 1:40-45. The Leper’s Cry. This miracle of healing is a match­ less revelation of the tenderness of Christ. He could with a single word have healed this leper at a distance. That would have showed His power. He did more than that. “ Being moved with compassion, He stretched forth His hand and touched him.” That showed His love. The touch, super­ fluous as it seemed, reveals His com­ passion^ If the Saviour had flung the gift of healing to the man, as we throw a bone to a dog, He might have hurt the man’s soul while helping his body. When He touched him, Jesus proved to the leper that He was not only the Healer of the body but the Lover of the soul. Attention has frequently been called to the fact that we find the fuller and deeper revelation of Di­ vine compassion, not in the words but in the deeds of Christ. The Incarnation was a case of touching the leper. He was made in the likeness of sinful flesh yet he contracted no defilement. He took hold upon the seed of Abraham yet he was holy, harmless, undefiled and separate from sinners. THURSDAY, Nov. 11. Matt. 9:27-38. Healing Many. Miracles of healing serve a double purpose. They have an evidential value attesting the Messianic claims of Christ, and Jesus appealed to them when men disregarded His words. Their chief purpose, however, was a revela­ tion of His loving heart. He could, not look on suffering unmoved. This fact should forever silence the criticism of unbelief that God does not care and is oblivious to the suffering of the world. God does not send suffering. It is a by-product of sin. God pro­ vides a salvation from sin. The greater includes the less. With the removal of sin its consequences disappear. While certain results of sin are inherent in and conterminous with the present age and order, in the coming kingdom they will pass away for the inhabitant there­ of shall no more say, “ I am sick,” and then shall be brought to pass the say­

FRIDAY, Nov. 12. Jas. 1:1-8. Enduring Temptation.

Temptation is neither to be sought nor shunned. It is presumptuous to court it and cowardly to evade it. Grace is given to endure it and the tempted one is safe if he makes the Word of God his strength and guide. The Christian life is a continual war­ fare and the safety of the Christian de­ pends upon his being in a stronghold that can not be taken by assault. Such a fortress is Christ. As long as we remain in this refuge we are invincible. Satan’s wiles are directed to enticing out to battle on the open plain. He always conquers there. When we abide in Christ we are victorious be­ cause in that case Satan has to deal with him and not with us. The rea­ son why the victory is only by faith is that Christ has won the victory and He alone gives us power and dominion over the enemy. “ The battle is not yours but God’s. The Lord your God shall fight for you and ye shall hold your peace.” - \ • SATURDAY, Nov. 13. Heb. 11:32-40. Heroes of Faith. The Old Testament formula that sal­ vation is by faith alone, Heb. 2:4, is quoted three times in the New Testa­ ment, Rom. 1:17, Gal. 3:11, Heb. 10:38. This does, not merely mean that when a sinner is converted, he shall be justified by faith. It is much more inclusive. It says the righteous shall live by faith. The entire life of the righteous from moment to moment shall be by faith. Life includes labor and warfare. The achievements and the conquests of the righteous are all by faith. The Christian, therefore, is not to do what he can and then hope that the Lord will supplement his feeble efforts, and supply the needed strength. As one who is able to do nothing in himself and whose life is in the Lord above, he is to reckon by faith on Him who is able to work in and through him mightily. The great danger of the child of God is to come under the law and try to serve God. and to live in his own strength by the energy of the flesh. He must appro­ priate the promise of the Spirit who transfers all that is in Christ to him.-

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