THE K I N G ’ S BUSINESS were to exercise them without remun eration. The child of God makes the Divine method his standard in all cases. He is so appreciative of the way in which God has treated him, that he treats other people in the same way. He thus gives expression to his own gratitude and advertises God’s charac ter and customs to the world. Especial ly should the use of money become a part of the spiritual life. We should thankfully receive whatever of earthly good we have as coming from God in answer to the prayer, “ Give us this day our daily bread.” It should be dedi cated to God and dealt with as be longing to Him. ,The blessing of money - is to do good to others and cause them to rejoice. Acts 20:35. We should make an especial study of what the Word of God says about money, as those who have been bought themselves not with silver and gold but with the precious blood of Christ. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 17. Matt. 10:17-37. Suffering Persecution. An enemy is never more dangerous than when he is acquiescent and for gotten. The three great foes of the Christian are the world, the flesh and the devil. The world allures and per secutes, the flesh tempts and annoys, the devil deceives and destroys. The world is less dangerous when persecut ing than alluring. Its friendship is more to be distrusted than its enmity. Periods of persecution in the church are always times of spiritual activity and fruitfulness. Freedom from per secution tends to spiritual sloth and weakness. Some of the wisest of the saints today believe that the most salu tary thing that could happen to the church would be a blast of persecution that would shake it out of its indiffer ence, purge it of worldly conformity and send the nominal professors and hypocrites scurrying out of it in dis may. THURSDAY, Nov. 18. Jer. 1:1-10. A Prophet’s Call. A prophet was unpopular because he took his stand for God against princes, priests and people, vs. 18. He was rather a forth-teller than a fore-teller. He unfolded the plan and purpose of God and because God’s purpose in cludes the future,, the prophet inci dentally referred to future events. Some of the greatest prophets like Abraham and John the Baptist made no distinctive predictions so far as we are
SUNDAY, Nov. 14. Heb. 1:1-9. The Son of God. Controversy has always raged around the person of Christ- W He human or Divine? Scripture declares that He is both. We need a human and a Di vine Saviour. Nevertheless many of those who confess His Deity seem to repudiate His humanity, while those who most clearly see His humanity, feel called upon to deny His Deity. Jesus did not impose His Deity upon His dis ciples. He left every man to find it out for himself. He said “ Come unto me. Follow me. Do the things X tell you ” After they had been with Him some time, He asked them “Who am I?” peter s&icl» .“ Thou art the Sou of God.” Jesus replied, “ No man told you that. It was revealed from above. You can not tell a man beauty. He must see it-for himself. You can not tell a man music. He must hear it for himself. You can not tell a man love. He must love before he can know love. You can hot convince a man of the D.eity of Christ by argument and assertion. God must reveal it to him. “ No man can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit. MONDAY, Nov. 15. Matt. 10:1-7. The Mission of the Twelve. In sending forth the twelve apostles to preach the Gospel and to heal the sick, Jesus multiplied His own minis try They had been for some time under His personal instruction. Their field was Jewish territory. They were endowed with special ability to accom plish their mission. Their needs were to be Providentially supplied. They were sent forth in pairs doubtless be ing associated in the way of having their various gifts and temperaments utilized to the best advantage. They were accredited ambassadors of tne King, bearing His message and sus tained by His authority. They must face danger and persecution but they were to have no fear, for the Father Who notices the sparrow’s fall and Who numbers the hairs of the head, would care for them. Their rejection would mean certain retribution, but a sure and great reward would await a faith ful service. Even a cup of cold water given in the name of Christ is not for gotten by God. TUESDAY, Nov. 16. Matt. 10:8-16. Freely Giving. As they had received miraculous .powers without paying for them, they
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